🧪 Early Information on Round 7 of Ninja Tower Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v69]

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This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the Round 7 of Ninja Tower heroes.

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

:tophat: Round 7 of Ninja Tower Heroes

*There are a total of three (3) new heroes added to Beta for testing; these have been indicated to be for a Ninja Tower event.

*The names of the new heroes are:

  • Legendary: Chikao, Iga, Nomad

:hugs: Family Bonus (same as the existing)

Ninja Heroes have a family bonus for unique heroes of the same family.

Ninja Family
Bonus for 1 / 2 / 3 Heroes:

  • 5% / 10% /15% chance to dodge normal attacks and Special Skills
  • 5% / 10% /15% chance to counterattack with 60% / 90% / 120% of the damage received

The two effects have individual sequential procecing. So one may not trigger while the other might.

5 :star: – Legendary Heroes

  • Chikao - Silent Striker
  • Iga - Master of Kunai Storm
  • Nomad - Silent Executioner

Chikao -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Chikao – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender Male
Power: 1100

Attack: 1192
Defense: 1139
HP: 1709

Class: Monk
Element: :leaves: Nature (Green)

Mana Speed: Charge
Aether Power: Dodge

Passive: Resist Negative Minion Effects
This character has innate resistance against incoming negative effects and damage from Minions.

Special Skill: Fatal Dreams

  • Special Skill has a different effect when charged with 100% / 200% / 300% mana:

  • 1x Mana Charge:

    • Dispels buffs from the enemies on the edges of the enemy formation.
    • Deals 300% damage to the enemies on the edges of the enemy formation. If there is only one enemy aive, the damage is doubled.
    • The enemy on the edges of the formation fall asleep and receive +60% increased damage while sleeping. (A sleeping character cannot gain mana. The sleeping target is woken once it takes damage. This excludes damage from Minions and Fiends. This effect is uncleansable.)
  • 2x Mana Charge:

    • Dispels buffs from the enemies on the edges of the enemy formation.
    • Deals 485% damage to the enemies on the edges of the enemy formation. If there is only one enemy aive, the damage is doubled.
    • The enemy on the edges of the formation fall asleep and receive +80% increased damage while sleeping. (A sleeping character cannot gain mana. The sleeping target is woken once it takes damage. This excludes damage from Minions and Fiends. This effect is uncleansable.)
  • 3x Mana Charge:

    • Dispels buffs from the enemies on the edges of the enemy formation.
    • Deals 800% damage to the enemies on the edges of the enemy formation. If there is only one enemy aive, the damage is doubled.
    • The enemy on the edges of the formation fall asleep and receive +100% increased damage while sleeping. (A sleeping character cannot gain mana. The sleeping target is woken once it takes damage. This excludes damage from Minions and Fiends. This effect is uncleansable.)

Iga -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Iga – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender: Male
Power: 1100

Attack: 1194
Defense: 1087
HP: 1812

Class: Cleric
Element: :sun_with_face: Holy (Yellow)

Mana Speed: Charge
Aether Power: Fiend Resist

Passive: Resist Negative Minion Effects
This character has innate resistance against incoming negative effects and damage from Minions.

Special Skill: Kunai Assault

  • Special Skill has a different effect when charged with 100% / 200% / 300% mana:

  • 1x Mana Charge:

    • Summons a Kunai Fiend for the target. The Fiend damages the enemy with 150% attack every turn.
    • The Kunai Fiend absorbs healing and disappears when it has absorbed health equal to 35% of it’s owner’s max health.
    • The Kunai Fiend explodes after 3 turns, dealing 1850 damage to its target.
  • 2x Mana Charge:

    • Summons a Kunai Fiend for the target and nearby enemies. The Fiend damages the enemy with 300% attack every turn.
    • The Kunai Fiend absorbs healing and disappears when it has absorbed health equal to 45% of it’s owner’s max health.
    • The Kunai Fiend explodes after 3 turns, dealing 2000 damage to its target.
  • 3x Mana Charge:

    • Summons a Kunai Fiend for all enemies. The Fiend damages the enemy with 450% attack every turn.
    • The Kunai Fiend absorbs healing and disappears when it has absorbed health equal to 55% of it’s owner’s max health.
    • The Kunai Fiend explodes after 3 turns, dealing 2250 damage to its target.

Nomad -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Nomad – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender: Male
Power: 1100

Attack: 1236
Defense: 1067
HP: 1746

Class: Fighter
Element: :fire: Fire (Red)

Mana Speed: Charge
Aether Power: Attack Up

Passive: Resist Negative Minion Effects
This character has innate resistance against incoming negative effects and damage from Minions.

Special Skill: Silent Takedown

  • Special Skill has a different effect when charged with 100% / 200% / 300% mana:

  • 1x Mana Charge:

    • Deals 340% damage to the target.
    • Deals 510% damage if the target has less than 50% health remaining.
    • If the target is defeated by the attack, all allies get +20% mana generation for 2 turns.
  • 2x Mana Charge:

    • Deals 350% damage to the target and nearby enemies.
    • Deals 525% damage to enemies with less than 50% health remaining.
    • If the target is defeated by the attack, all allies get +30% mana generation for 3 turns.
  • 3x Mana Charge:

    • Deals 360% damage to all enemies.
    • Deals 540% damage to enemies with less than 50% health remaining.
    • If the target is defeated by the attack, all allies get +40% mana generation for 4 turns.

:mantelpiece_clock: Beta Updates

  • June 27, 2024 – The heroes arrived for testing.
  • Augut 6, 2024 - New passive is added and family bonus is updated.

:link: Related Threads


@PlayForFun Hi, for Nomad,he deals 510%/525%/540% damage when the target has less (not more) than 50% health, thank you!

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These 3 new Ninjas take the percentage of 5 :star: Heroes currently in Beta past the 90% mark. 41 out of a total of 45. (by my count) :scream:

The 4 new Slime Heroes will probably make it even worse.
Balance ? What Balance ??

The only 3 :star: Cthuwu

4 :star: being:


1600% damage to one… I thought I had seen it all.

Excuse me??? 2250 damage? On a 55% hp fiend? If you cannot get your fiend remover charged in time, it is lights out, folks…


They’re obviously spiraling: to deal with the monsters they’ve released so far, they need to release heroes with monster percentages. With heroes at 4k hp, a fiend that deals 2250 is something “balanced”. What use would it have a fiend that explodes dealing 500 damage on a toon that has 8 times the health?
No need to say, from my pov, that fiend deals more damage than any max health of my entire roster. Every single new release is directed to a different game nowadays, a game within the game that has become unplayable for the non-spenders. That’s why that third hero seems quite subpar compared to the other two.


Thx, I have fixed this.

Don’t forget the fiends also do 450% (!!!) damage each turn…
So if you do not have the master emblems (Belgium…) nor do you have access to the shiny new heroes, you are basically dead…

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On charge 3, Iga’s Fiends deal around 1100/1200 damage per turn, and then explode with 2200 damage… We’re talking between 5500 and 5800 damage.


It is simply an execution…
The owners of older heroes are just hopless.


nothing new for me. My heroes are already being executed by mega minions.


I start to feel that they lost control of the game. Instead of Dragon thing, they should split the game into two parts.
1.) for whales with brand new monster heroes.
2.) for normal players with older heroes.


What I wrote in another topic:


Should say Nature (Green)

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So next non owl tower is ninja tower cos there is a reason to have one.

Thx. I have fixed this too.


Best thing about this, in my opinion, is the signal that Ninja tower will come back. Time for some variety

Of course, not surprised all the new ninjas are 5* :stuck_out_tongue: which means I probably won’t get them :stuck_out_tongue:


Another tower where people in Belgium cannot finish. 75 levels with 50 flags and no access to flasks… That is truly impossible.
For me, the Ninja and Magic towers can stay away because of that reason. Unless they reduce the floors to fit the flags they give.

Actually, Ninja Tower Is reduced to 50 floors now

Yep, ALL the new new Slime Heroes are 5 :star:
According to my figures that’s 45 of 49 currently in Beta being 5 :star:
It’s worse when you add in that there will probably be a 5 :star: costume appearing in the Costume Chamber tomorrow which will have bypassed Beta entirely.

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Sorry, I made a mistake.
I have just fixed Iga’s skill.
Charge 2 summons the fiend to target and nearby enemies.
Charge 3 summons the fiend to all enemies.