🧪 Early Information on Round 6 of Secondary Season 1 Hero Costumes (Thorne) [Part of The Beta Beat v59]

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This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the new Round 6 of secondary costumes for Season 1 heroes.

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

:performing_arts: Costumes!!!

There are a total of 1 new Costumes being tested in v59.

NOTE: All numbers are presented INCLUDING the 1x costume bonus.

5 :star: — Legendary Costumes

  • Thorne – Commander Frostmorrow

Normal Thorne and old Thorne Costume

Costume Thorne — Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*
Power: 798

Attack: 726
Defense: 786
HP: 1424

Class: Barbarian
Family: Classic
Aether Power: Counterattack

Element: :snowflake: Ice (Blue)

Mana Speed: Average

Special Skill: Glacial Crusher

  • Deals 360% damage to the target and nearby enemies.
  • Reduces the mana of the target and nearby enemies by 15%.
  • The caster receives moderate amount of mana over 4 turns.

NOTE: All numbers are presented INCLUDING the 1x Costume bonus.

:arrow_up: Beta Updates

7 June 2023

New costume arrived to Beta

:calendar: Release Date

There is no information on this.

:link: Related Threads


I don’t know what to think about this costume… Let’s compare all 3 Thorne versions:

w/o C. 1C 2C
490% target+minor 540% target 360% target+nearby
nothing nothing reduces 15% mana target+nearby
nothing caster + 24% mana regen. caster gets moderate amount of mana
paladin sorcerer barbarian

What do you think? I think that 1C. Thorne is the most interesting. Unless this 360% to 3 is not very weak, hmm.


360% to three is about the region I would expect for a hit-3 to be honest, plus the mana cut is always a nice touch. Add in the moderate mana over 4 turns and that actually bring him to being able to re-fire in 2 matches instead of if my maths serves me correctly. Overall, I think it’s a nice costume and sits well in comparison to the other two.

The barbarian class is a little questionable, but hey, what can you do? :smiley:


Good costume imo! Mana cut is a huge plus. And with both Costumes you can switch between a sniper or a hit 3. 360% should be a decent hit if you have both costumes.


Yeah, I think it’s pretty solid too

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Great Costume!! Upgrade from Ori , C1…
This is only worth mentioning with costumes. make the hero better than the original!!

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Solid costume. I can pair him with Freida and can do some serious damage. The mana cut and mana gen is pretty useful.

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I’d be happy to pull this costume. Solid 3-hit hero IMO.

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This is sounds like what a costume should be. Much better than the stunt they did with Sartana and the Valhalla costumes.


still no 2nd costumes for classic 3*

Yes, indeed… :frowning:
It seem there will not be any in the foreseeable future.

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With how lackluster the recent costumes are, I’m surprised this isn’t something like

  • Deals 350% Damage to all enemies

Closing as this costume is now released.
You can continue to discuss him here: