šŸ§Ŗ Early Information on ROUND 5 Telluria & Vela Balance Updates [Part of The Beta Beat v30]

I have to agree - just like Guin was balanced after release, Telly and perhaps Vela also need to be balanced post-release, for the overall good of the game!

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fantastic! Iā€™m at 17 emblems and maxed costume, crushing through all kinds of telluria tank mixes, including the dreaded gtv centre.


Fair enough. We can leave it at that as far as opinions between you and Iā€¦ but consider this; SG is a buisness and they have to have money coming in and if you want ā€œcookie cutterā€ heroes all the same power level for ever ā€œnewā€ players will not come in and spend and old players will eventually get boredā€¦ not seeing how that creates a ā€œbalanced gameā€ for new and old players.

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Oh look a counterā€¦lol!

Just to note- when first facing Telly my success rate was very poorā€¦ lately itā€™s improved to well over 60% and with a few months Iā€™m sure will be at where I was with Guin Ursena etc. Itā€™s not as big of an issue as Guin was for a very long time


Thatā€™s how I describe the current state of affairs!
The same :cookie: every time I raid.
And for many also, the same :cookie: in war too

Thatā€™s mostly rightā€¦ except ā€œeventuallyā€.
Many of us have been bored for 2 months now

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I enjoy to play Events, Maps, Season 1, 2, 3, raids, Wars. I was really happy, after 8 months to get 3 HotM, Vela, Telly, JF. Telly was my first 5* true Tank.

I enjoy to build an Red Stack to beat ALL other Tellurias with Gormeck, Marjana, JF, Bold.

I understand some guys that are unhappy because Telly is so much pop. I believe SG are working on It now. Not just because he is strong, (there are other strong heroes that are not being balanced) but because they want to reduce Telly use from players on raids and wars.

I think that any change that affect Telly and Vela owners on this balance need to be evaluated after It. It is Fair, do you agree?

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What is wrong with a green tank meta. There is always gonna be a meta in some kind of way in this game. I would also disagree ursena is the most punishing. Vela can be countered with mitsuko and you can still survive a hit from her. With ursena you get hit with all yellows not only are you almost dead but you cant use specials to come back.


Thank u! Yeah i been running blue mono on the gtv center and having loads of success.


However much they nerf Telluria, and the sooner they do it, the better.

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Hehe Iā€™m sure some will like this , they should remove the stack ability of fire and water . If vela or gm hits after the other has and their dot is active , it should produce steam and both dots disappear. That will remove the gtv combo :crazy_face:

You can water and sand together produce same result and fire and poison another combination that canā€™t stack and dot effect disappears .

Problem solved . Iā€™ll take direct credit transfers please


I hear youā€¦ I was bored for like six months raiding before Telly came out to create a challenge. Literally bored to death. Bored so flipping much that I would nt even change my attack team no matter who I faced ( call it lazinessā€¦ yeah probably because I wouldnā€™t reroll either). So, I can relate to what your saying. And Iā€™m sure quite a few will tell you the same thingā€¦ so not buying the ā€œboredomā€ card. Iā€™ll call it what I think this is all aboutā€¦ ā€œdonā€™t want to spend much money anymore but want heroes to be manageable so you can stay on topā€. Is what it is I guess


Some ideas for changing or controlling the spread of a hero in wars and raids.

Use the same concepts used in tournaments in wars and raids.

Changes like this can make it easier to balance heroes in the future so you donā€™t have the same problems every time that a new strong tank is launched.


1- Add a ā€œsecond defense teamā€ in wars. The player must define two defense teams. However, you will not be able to use the same color for the central Hero, the Tank.

With this change, different possibilities can be explored:
A- The second defense team takes the place when the first team is shot
B- The second defense team takes the place of the first one after the end of the first 12 hours
C- A rule for the colors of the central Heroes is defined after pairing. If the main team does not respect this rule, the Second team will be selected.


Add an extra factor, which affects the Central Hero, strengthening or weakening and which is changed every cycle of 3, 4, 5 days or any other period.

With this extra factor, you can use some one already used in tournaments or add some new, for example:

A- Time spell: Abilities that affect speed will have no effect.
B- Total Eclipse: Yellow heroes receive -36% defense
C- Bloody Battle: Healing has no effect

Changes like these can really change the players selection teams, bring more flexibility for developers as well as avoid new issues like we have now, in addition to bringing new challenges for players.

@zephyr1, What do you think about? Can be a Idea Topic? I think It is not easy to work for V30, but can help for next versions.

Her mana cut was never nerfed. Nerfing her healing does jack ā– ā– ā– ā–  against her usage as a tank.

Now Telluria is going to be nerfed on all ends, how does Guinā€™s nerfing even remotely compared to to what Telluria is going through? Itā€™s like comparing a molehill to a mountain.


Thereā€™s an idea post for multiple War Defense teams here, which you can vote on and contribute to: Why not using 30 heroes for war defense too? / Multiple War Defense teams

Iā€™ve seen some posts similar to your idea about Raids in various discussions, but Iā€™m not sure if thereā€™s a central thread in Ideas & Feature Requests for them. So that might make sense to make a thread for.

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#NONERFā€¦ Please stop with all this V1, V2, V3, V4, V67, V89ā€¦ Make otherā€™s strong heroes and will be better for the playerā€™s and the future of the gameā€¦ :upside_down_face:


One question, I want to spend gems to get Sartana and Magni and I will destroy teams that have Telluria and Vela, as I see that Sartana with the new outfit and her Attack of 532% is going to dry up all the enemies of a single shot, my question is:
Is it safe to spend gems to get Sartana ???
Or do I have to wait until the new year to see if she will be Nerfeada by the complaints that she is too good and with 5 shots goodbye enemy team?
Can someone answer me?


I get it, you say itā€™s 30% since it affects 60% of her skills. Itā€™s still not adding up. That seems to be 18%, not 30.

Iā€™ll help ya out here since your math is off

Mana reduction per turn is 29% but when consider it for less itā€™s about 50% total with V 5

Same thing with the health in total

The minion is 27% for 1 part and 0 for the other part

His damage hasnā€™t been touchedā€¦ yet but the feeling Iā€™m getting with you saying itā€™s a tickle

Reduce mana from the original state to 24% and get rid of the tickle?

I think Costume Sartana is a safe one because she looks a lot like basic Lianna. The only heroes getting nerfed are the different ones that outpower the ones already at the top. People have been talking about the new dark costumes (especially Domitia because sheā€™s different), but thereā€™s a general agreement that Seshat and the Jabberwock are still the best ones. Neither of those have caused enough frustration to get a nerf.

Iā€™ve been drooling over Magni myself, but I wouldnā€™t worry about him much either. I think if any blueā€™s nerf-worthy, itā€™d be Finley. People havenā€™t been fussing over him either.

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Heā€™s being sarcastic with his question. Good luck taking Telluria out with 1 shot from any hero unless you have previously hit it with Myst and a def down then itā€™s possible but I canā€™t take her down with a fully emblemed Myst and a costume Joon with 1 shot.