🧪 Early Information on Round 4 of Dragons [Part of The Beta Beat v70]

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This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on Round 4 of Dragons

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

:tophat: Dragons

*There are a total of five (5) dragons are arrived to Beta for testing.

*The names of the new heroes are:

  • Rare: Croakster, Leafy, Rusty, Sparky, Sting

Assist Skill

  • This Skill can be used inside the regular game if you equip a Dragon to your team in the regular game.
  • It has it own mana speed, which can be different than the Dragon’s skill.


  • If you equip a Dragon to your team in the regular game, then it gives stat boosts to all of your team members.
  • Now it is static at maxed level based on rarity in V70.
    • Legendary: Attack: +200, Defense: +150, Health + 100
    • Epic: Attack: +150, Defense: +100, Health + 75
    • Rare: Attack: +125, Defense: +75, Health + 50


  • Unlike the regular heroes. The Dragons have 10 Skill levels and not 8.

3 :star: – Rare Dragons

  • Croakster - Winged Amphibian
  • Leafy - Polar Droplet
  • Rusty - Mischievous Prankster
  • Sparky - Nimble Serpent
  • Sting - Protector of the Hive

Croakster -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Croakster – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Rare/3*
Power: 7304 7799

Attack: 9534
Defense: 9557
HP: 8688

Spirit Attack Bonus: 0.8% = +76
Spirit Defnse Bonus: 0.8% = +76
Spirit Health Bonus: 0.5% = +43

Element: :leaves: Nature (Green)

Mana Speed: Aveage

Special Skill: Medicinal Drool

  • Recovers 4000 health for all allies.
  • Cleanses 3 status ailments from all allies. (Status ailments are cleansed in the order they have been received. The latest status ailments are cleansed first.)

Assist Skill Mana Speed: Very Slow Dragon

Assist Skill: Resusciating Breath

  • Recovers 350 300 health for all allies.
  • All allies regenerate 150 HP over 5 turns.

Leafy -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Leafy – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Rare/3*
Power: 7285 7780

Attack: 9572
Defense: 9491
HP: 8592

Spirit Attack Bonus: 0.8% = +76
Spirit Defnse Bonus: 0.8% = +75
Spirit Health Bonus: 0.5% = +42

Element: :snowflake: Ice (Blue)

Mana Speed: Fast

Special Skill: Artic Vell

  • Recovers 2500 health for all allies.
  • All alllies get +1200 defense for 5 tuns.

Assist Skill Mana Speed: Very Slow Dragon

Assist Skill: Resusciating Breath

  • Recovers 350 300 health for all allies.
  • All allies regenerate 150 HP over 5 turns.

Rusty -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Rusty – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Rare/3*
Power: 7282 7777

Attack: 9532
Defense: 9522
HP: 8610

Spirit Attack Bonus: 0.8% = +76
Spirit Defnse Bonus: 0.8% = +76
Spirit Health Bonus: 0.5% = +43

Element: :fire: Fire (Red)

Mana Speed: Fast

Special Skill: Devastating Slash

  • Deals 250% damage to that target and 150% damage to nearby enemies.
  • The target receives +80% increased damage from normal attacks and nearby enemies receive +60% damage from normal attacks for 3 turns.

Assist Skill Mana Speed: Very Slow Dragon

Assist Skill: Charring Blaze

  • Deals 300 damage to all enemies.
  • All enemies receive 100 Burn damage over 5 turns.

Sparky -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Sparky – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Rare/3*
Power: 7280 7775

Attack: 9496
Defense: 9588
HP: 8554

Spirit Attack Bonus: 0.8% = +76
Spirit Defnse Bonus: 0.8% = +76
Spirit Health Bonus: 0.5% = +42

Element: :new_moon_with_face: Dark (Purple)

Mana Speed: Fast

Special Skill: Curse of Sickness

  • Deals 200% damage to target and nearby enemies.
  • The target and nearby enemies get -1500 attack for 3 turns.
  • The target and nearby enemies receive 1800 damage for each received status ailment for 3 turns.

Assist Skill Mana Speed: Very Slow Dragon

Assist Skill: Charring Blaze

  • Deals 300 damage to all enemies.
  • All enemies receive 100 Burn damage over 5 turns.

Sting -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Sting – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Rare/3*
Power: 7307 7802

Attack: 9586
Defense: 9534
HP: 8625

Spirit Attack Bonus: 0.8% = +76
Spirit Defnse Bonus: 0.8% = +76
Spirit Health Bonus: 0.5% = +43

Element: :sun_with_face: Holy (Yellow)

Mana Speed: Fast

Special Skill: Blinding Stinger

  • Deals 350% damage to the target.
  • The target gets -30% accuracy for 3 turns. (Chance to miss also applies to offiensive Special Skills.)

Assist Skill Mana Speed: Very Slow Dragon

Assist Skill: Charring Blaze

  • Deals 300 damage to all enemies.
  • All enemies receive 100 Burn damage over 5 turns.

:mantelpiece_clock: Beta Updates

  • August 15, 2024 – added for first look testing.
  • August 28, 2024 – balance changes for Croakster, Leafy, , all Spriit bonus (new number is on the top), Assist Skill mana speed change, no stat but power change.

:link: Related Threads

They should just ship this feature away to their new “Game of Thrones” game. More appropriate theme. Can’t say i met someone that is looking forward to this new update.


I’d have to agree. It’s been stewing for so long and they’ve practically gotten everything else out in shorter time. Nothing about it sounds necessary for this game.

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It would be amazing to have an option to have this or not… our games will get heavier and if my game is already slow… can’t imagine how it will get after

I say NO to this ***** dragons thing

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Beta update:

  • balance changes for Croakster, Leafy, , all Spriit bonus (new number is on the top), Assist Skill mana speed change, no stat but power change.

Closed as all dragons are released now.
You can continue discussing them in their own topics.