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This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on Round 3 of Dragons
Don’t get too attached
Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.
It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.
So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.
*There are a total of six (6) dragons are arrived to Beta for testing.
*The names of the new heroes are:
- Legendary: Doombringer, Glacio, Ignis, Marmora, Stargazer
- Rare: Flumen
Class, Family, Passive, Limit Breaking
- There is no Class for the Dragons.
- There is no Family for the Dragons.
- There is no Passive for the Dragons.
- Dragons can not be limit broken.
Assist Skill
- This Skill can be used inside the regular game if you equip a Dragon to your team in the regular game.
- It has it own mana speed, which can be different than the Dragon’s skill.
- If you equip a Dragon to your team in the regular game, then it gives stat boosts to all of your team members.
- Now it is static at maxed level based on rarity in V70.
- Legendary: Attack: +200, Defense: +150, Health + 100
- Epic: Attack: +150, Defense: +100, Health + 75
- Rare: Attack: +125, Defense: +75, Health + 50
- Unlike the regular heroes. The Dragons have 10 Skill levels and not 8.
– Legendary Dragons
- Doombringer - Infernal Destroyer
- Glacio - Artic Guardian
- Ignis - Keeper of Draconic Artifacts
- Marmora - Hippotgryph of the Misty Isles
- Stargazer - Nebula Wyvern
Doombringer -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)
Doombringer – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)
Rarity: Legendary/5*
Power: 10521 11016 10935
Attack: 13872 13740
Defense: 13734 13637
HP: 12040 11989
Spirit Attack Bonus: 2.1% = +291 1.0% = +139
Spirit Defense Bonus: 1.1% = +151 1.0% = +137
Spirit Health Bonus: 2.0% = +240 1.0% = +120
Element: Fire (Red)
Mana Speed: Average
Special Skill: Jaws of the Unchained
- Deals 150% damage to all enemies.
- All enemies receive 4000 Burn damage over 4 turns.
- All enemies get -2200 defense for 4 turns.
Assist Skill Mana Speed: Very Slow Dragon
Assist Skill: Corrosive Blaze
- Deals
600400 damage to all enemies. - All enemies get -40% defense for 5 turns.
Glacio -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)
Glacio – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)
Rarity: Legendary/5*
Power: 10540 11035 11103
Attack: 13841
Defense: 13884 14071
HP: 11954 12067
Spirit Attack Bonus: 1.8% = +249 1.0% = +138
Spirit Defense Bonus: 2.0% = +277 1.0% = +138
Spirit Health Bonus: 0.7% = +83 1.0% = +119
Element: Ice (Blue)
Mana Speed: Average
Special Skill: Arctic Breeze
- Recovers 6000 health for all allies.
- Dispels 2 buffs from all enemies. (Buffs are dispelled in the order they have been received. The latest buffs are dispelled first.)
- All allies get
+3000+3400 defense for 4 turns.
Assist Skill Mana Speed: Very Slow Dragon
Assist Skill: Fortifying Flame
- Recovers 600 health for all allies.
- All allies get +60% defense against Special Skills for 5 turns.
Ignis -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)
Ignis – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)
Rarity: Legendary/5*
Power: 10481 10976 11101
Attack: 13781 13919
Defense: 13736 14010
HP: 11978
Spirit Attack Bonus: 2.2% = +303 1.0% = +137
Spirit Defense Bonus: 1.0% = +137 1.0% = +137
Spirit Health Bonus: 2.0% = +239 1.0% = +119
Element: Holy (Yellow)
Mana Speed: Fast
Special Skill: Blinding Orb
- Deals 300% damage to the target.
- Dispel 1 buffs from the target. (Buffs are dispelled in the order they have been received. The latest buffs are dispelled first.)
- The target gets -40% accuracy for 3 turns. (Chance to miss also applies to offensive Special Skills.)
Assist Skill Mana Speed: Very Slow Dragon
Assist Skill: Blinding Blaze
- Deals
600500 damage to all enemies. - All enemies get
-40%-30% accuracy for 5 turns.
Marmora -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)
Marmora – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)
Rarity: Legendary/5*
Power: 10534 11029 11105
Attack: 13812 13867
Defense: 13853 14016
HP: 12044 12123
Spirit Attack Bonus: 1.3% = +179 1.0% = +138
Spirit Defense Bonus: 1.5% = +207 1.0% = +138
Spirit Health Bonus: 3.3% = +397 1.0% = +120
Element: Nature (Green)
Mana Speed: Average
Special Skill: Emerald Wind
- Recovers
69006500 health for all allies. - Cleanses 2 status ailment from all allies (Status ailments are cleansed in the order they have been received. The latest status ailments are cleansed first.)
- All allies get +3400 defense against special Skills for 4 turns.
Assist Skill Mana Speed: Very Slow Dragon
Assist Skill: Cleansing Flame
- All alies regenerate
16001000 HP over 5 turns. - Cleanses status ailments from all allies.
Stargazer -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)
Stargazer – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)
Rarity: Legendary/5*
Power: 10561 11056 11104
Attack: 13892
Defense: 13876 14047
HP: 11995
Spirit Attack Bonus: 2.8% = +388 1.0% = +138
Spirit Defnse Bonus: 1.0% = +138 1.0% = +138
Spirit Health Bonus: 0.2% = +23 1.0% = +119
Element: Dark (Purple)
Mana Speed: Fast
Special Skill: Nebula Orb
- Deals 200% damage to target and nearby enemies.
- The target and nearby enemies receive 2100 Poison damage over 3 turns.
- The target and nearby enemies gets -30% mana generation for 3 turns. (Affects only mana generated from matching tiles or mana gained by the defense team at the end of the turn.)
Assist Skill Mana Speed: Very Slow Dragon
Assist Skill: Esoteric Flame
- Increases the mana for all allies by
10%20%. All allies are immune to buff dispels and reallocations for 5 tuns.- All allies regenerate 500 HP over 5 turns.
– Rare Dragons
- Flumen - River Dragonling
Flumen -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)
Flumen – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)
Rarity: Rare/3*
Power: 7294 7789
Attack: 9494
Defense: 9642
HP: 8552
Spirit Attack Bonus: 2.0% = +189 0.8% = +75
Spirit Defnse Bonus: 2.0% = +192 0.8% = +77
Spirit Health Bonus: 0.4% = +34 0.5% = +42
Element: Ice (Blue)
Mana Speed: Average
Special Skill: Icebould Howl
- Deals 150% damage to all enemies.
All enemies get -25% accuracy for 5 tuns.Chance to miss also applies to offensive Special Skills.
The caster regenerates 3000 HP over 5 turns.- Dispels 2 buffs from all enemies. (Buffs are dispelled in the order they have been received. The latest buffs are dispelled first.)
Assist Skill Mana Speed: Very Slow Dragon
Assist Skill: Charring Blaze
- Deals 300 damage to all enemies.
- All enemies receive 100 Burn damage over 5 turns.
Beta Updates
- August 1, 2024 – added for first look testing.
- August 15, 2024 – balance change for Flumen and Spirit bonuses
- August 29, 2024 – balance change for Glacio, Ignis, Marmora, Stargazer, all Spriit bonus (new number is on the top), Assist Skill mana speed change, no stat but power change.
- September 3, 2024 – balance change for Doombringer, Glacio, Ignis, Marmora, Stargazer