šŸ§Ŗ Early Information on ROUND 3 Costumes [Part of The Beta Beat v33]

Excellent! :clap: :clap: :clap:

Either this or switching to his costume auto resets him and gives back my rings lol

Great ideaā€¦with a little tweak, perhaps this could come up in a new hero, possibly nature (green) apparently lacking in repost skill so farā€¦or in the next gen of Ninja or Valhalla.

Khagan skill donā€™t deserve be slow , it fells as is missing something

Also the new C.Kelile, vanilla red needs como
Cleanser o dispeller

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My vote would be to get Khagan to average speed (please)ā€¦


Is there any update of Costumeā€¦ ?

Quite hopeless here.
I hope they release it on December or maybe next year so thereā€™s a time to buff or nerf some of the Heroes and for our Dev to take our feedback (which I hardly believe they wonā€™t) :money_mouth_face:

Still lots of heroes need to get buffed or nerfed a bit.

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im hoarding gems from now on, will never summon any other events in November (atlantis,guardian, tavern)ā€¦hopin for the one and only Marjana!!!

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What about Kelile and dispels status from ailments for all allies.

There is no vanilla red hĆ©roe with this even on costume ā€¦

After the las nerf she needs something else

Beta Update

Some costumes have returned to beta V33.4 for additional testing with some balance changes:

  • Obakan
  • Sabina
  • Greymane
  • Dawa

The OP will be updated shortly to reflect the changes.


sabina is perfect now!

obakan isā€¦ still underwhelming, the secondary effect isnā€™t exciting, sad to see both versions not much worthwhile.

i am indifferent about greymane

dawa is better now but still not close to bjorn (200% and 350%)

glad costumes are still getting updated. hopefully we see more improvements even possibly on older costumes.

thanks again!


Why am I not hoping for any drastical change? Feels like as soon as they decide something they donā€™t trust neither follow the comments from beta players and they just do cosmetic changes instead of rebuilding completely unuseful heroes/features.

Oh wait, thatā€™s what they always do :laughing: AL, HA, nerfsā€¦

Thanks for always keeping us updated Guvnor


Poor Obakan, why donā€™t you give a third effect to him? Something like a damage reduction while counterattackingā€¦
Sabina is now a great hero, well done. I look forward for the these costumes go live!


They change wukong completely. Sabain is OP now dispell plus prevent new buffs that too much, add her anything but not dispell with prevent too easy to use RIP Sif.


So, they have no intention to think something else for Jahangir/Colen? Same ability, with different numbers?
I donā€™t get how they can think of costumes with 2, 3 more effects than the original hero, or heroes with completely different abilities and then just leave some other heroes withā€¦ just a fancy new look and a little boost (at least thereā€™s the boost).


Well, indeed, that makes an exception.

We are lacking red dispeller though and unusable heroes are still that, unusable. Have a look on that Obakan, Cyprian, Bori, Skittleskull, etc There are quite a lot of costumes that need rework but I am absolutely convinced we are just going to see cosmetical changes before live release (I am sure will happen this month before event)

Obakan first fast reposte to cover flanks, now at 85% should be decentā€¦plus the 182% AOEā€¦ Looking good and now looking more useful than the stand alone classic base.

Sabina stil squishy stats, but costume skills now good good. Though still feel that her def and att stats should be swapped.


She Worthā€™s some emblems now at least so we can tweak her shield.

Obakan, alongside some others, sorry for my mouth but they still got lazy planned specials. Hopefully they removed that ā€œdamage and healā€ from graymane for gods sake thatā€™s the worst special of all time.

Specially Fire heroes. Most of them are just the same. Colen (seriously? He could do so much with slow speed but he does exactly the same), Nashgar, Kellie only burnsā€¦ Gormek became a minion killerā€¦ Itā€™s okay but heā€™s the same as other low rated old character - it means using money/gems/keys for a duplicate, from another color. Scarlett looks very good.

But thereā€™s a plenty of heroes around so of course some of them wonā€™t make us happy :slight_smile: Iā€™m happy overall.


Obakan: I think I missed this before, but the addition of caster and nearby enemies will make him more enticing. Not enough, but for those without anyone better (me), I like the costume adding coutnerattack to neighbors and at 85% this is an upgrade over his base version.

Sabina is now in line with Mel and Rigard as she was before. Iā€™m not sure when Iā€™ll use her over C-Rigard though. I guess when the enemy has buff heroes and not any that cast status effects on me.

Graymane getting a huge attack boost could be used on some challenge events, but I wonā€™t bother. Iā€™ll feed him away.



A bit sadly that costumed Wu Kong become a common AOE, I think most of the players prefer buffs on his existing special rather than completely changed ?


At least with costume bonus and emblems, Wu wonā€™t be so squishy.

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I was hopeful for Wu, looking forward to a costume that will reshape him a bit, possibly less accuracy issue + slightly lower attack buff, or really lower attack buff 120-140ish with no Accuracy issues nor misses.
But now, it seems no hope, I might just consider him for a retirement!

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