đŸ§Ș Early Information on ROUND 3 Costumes [Part of The Beta Beat v33]

If third effect will be dispel, then C. Sabina will be most powerful 4* ever for me.

I think she needs a little something extra. A mild attk- or Def+ would do.

Many thanks, I assume you get these questions daily if not hourly, just wanted to double checked if havent missed anything relevant.

Looks good when she can debuff attack on all enemies. We know Sabina lack in defense, like melendor but she is worse in def and atk, just better in hp.

Can we get another Purple elemental Deff down besides Panther for crying out loud ?
4* or 3* it doesn’t even matter. Every other color has multiple elemental Deff down heroes except purple . Why ?


Yes I really like this , for example Oberon can do that role instead that pity effect with the poison 
 Obakan deserve more as well

Dawn is too weak to be true

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Is something changed on new beta?

That red defense down for Marj being dropped from 4 to 3 turns is actually not insignificant. She’s going to be stacked heavily with slow or average heros (Elena, Azlar, Khagan, etc.). Panther and Evelyn are so deadly with their Def breakers because you’ve got fast hitters like Lianna, Sartana, Obakan, etc. to charge alongside them. All the fast reds are HoTM or hard to get heros, so a LOT of people are handcuffed with slow reds. Keep it at 4 and drop the other effect if you have to.

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Save me reading everything
do we know when these are dropping in?? Next costume chamber?

Ans is not sure 

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If we get another one, it will be one of these two:

  • 5* HOTM
  • 3* event

My guess is it won’t be a 4* as they want G. Panther to stay appealing to summon.

Just like K. Arthur still stays appealing for those who missed out on Frida (and with the 3* Nordri obviously not being reliable enough for high level titans).

Evelyn got her 4* complement Almur, but that’s because she is no longer easy to summon now.


Some heroes are great and some are lackluster.

Khagan: Big damage to one at slow speed seems awkward. He could still be changed to average speed and people would barely notice.

Thorne: Should do more.
Mana up should be to himself and nearby as well. He could still do even more though. Attack up to nearby as well? He’s extremely lackluster compared to Marj and Leo here.

Obakan: Replace riposte with reflect or cleanse. This would make him much more desirable. And could make his normal effect usable.


Was really hoping C.Kailani would be like C.Gunnar.

Also was hoping Dawa’s costume would make her relevant or useable. If they can make S1 5* costumes that give elemental defense down, then why can’t they make Dawa costume give holy defense down?

I would actually use these 2 on my holy event team if it were that way. As they are now, they are still as irrelevant as before costumes.


An idea for c. Cyprian -

Don’t make c. Cyprian the same as c. Boril. Let’s try out a new game mechanic. I recommend Toxic Riposte.

Toxic Riposte

  • The caster and nearby allies activate toxic riposte for 3 turns.
  • All enemies who attack the caster and nearby allies receive x poison damage per turn for 3 turns. The greater the damage to the caster and nearby allies, the greater the poison damage received by the enemies up to y poison damage per turn. Poison damage stacks/ increases if the caster and nearby allies receive additional damages while Poison Riposte is active, up to y poison damage per turn. Poison duration lasts for 3 turns and is reset from the last attack made the enemy.

For example, Bane and Valen attacks c. Cyprian. Bane and Valen receive poison damage base on how hard they hit c. Cyprian. Bane and Valen’s poison damage lasts for 3 turns. The next turn, Valen’s blue tiles hit c. Cyprian, Valen’s poison damage per turn is increased and the duration is reset. Bane now has 2 turns of poison damage remaining, while Valen has 3 turns of poison damage remaining.

Direct DoT bypasses Toxic Riposte. For example, Bane and Proteus activate their specials. Bane receives poison damage for 3 turns. Proteus’ special bypasses Toxic Riposte and is unaffected. The next turn, Proteus’ purple tiles hit c. Cyprian. Proteus now receives poison damage from Toxic Riposte for 3 turns.

Just a thought. Just want to make the game more diverse/ fun!


^ Such a cool idea!
20 toxic characters


Very good @zbenp!!! I hope they read this

Could be the poison damage removed if the caster die?

Sounds aweseom and similar to the way Barbarian bleed damage function already works, so it doesn’t seem like it would even be that hard to do! I love it! I hope they do this!

Not to be a contrarian, because @zbenp’s toxic riposte idea sounds cool but I’m afraid it could be OP, especially the stack part, depending on the value assigned to poison damage.

If you take a mono yellow team against a cCyprian tank, for example, it sounds like for each yellow tile that hits cCyprian while toxic riposte is active, all 5 of your heroes will get poison damage that stacks and replenishes. Again, it all depends on the value assigned to poison damage, but chances are by the time you manage to take out the tank, your entire team is gone too.

It is important to realize that cCyprian’s current version has 1460 HP which could be bumped close to 2000 with emblems and troops. That’s a lot even for a 5* hero, let alone a 4* one. For reference, out of the main riposte heroes, only cElena has a higher HP at 1494. Elena with costume bonus has 1443, Sif has 1339, cBoril has 1287 and Boril with costume bonus is at 1266.

So even by itself, if the damage to toxic riposte is at a 1:1 ratio, for example, meaning that for any damage to Cyprian you get the exact same damage back as poison, your entire team will get 2000 combined poison damage to get rid of him, without accounting for any possible healing. Sure you can dispel, but this version requires both a cleanser and a dispeller and yellow is famous for lacking them.You increase that ratio and you account for stacking and Cyprian alone may cost your team 3000 or more in poison damage.That’s a lot IMO for a 4* hero. But I might be wrong.


I do not like Khagan’s initial costume skill set. He is one of the most meh 5 stars out there; he needs to go from zero to hero with his costume.

I propose keeping the structure of his original special, yet making both, the mana and the defense buff undispellable. And maybe making Khagan’s mana boost to himself a little higher so that he goes off in 9 tiles, functionally average mana speed, for example, +24% mana generation to nearby allies and +34% to caster.

I’d also consider adding 1-2 effects, like +609 health for 3 turns (to caster and nearby allies), and cleanse all allies. If you wanted to do dispels enemy buffs, then I’d consider putting the dispel at the beginning of the special like Kageburado’s and Ametrine‘s.

For classes, I would like to see one of the 3 best on him: Paladin, Fighter, or Rogue.