đŸ§Ș Early Information on ROUND 3 Costumes [Part of The Beta Beat v33]

Yes :slight_smile:


@Guvnor Why any of these costumes doesn’t cleansed or summons minions , I really really hope for a long time those effects On new costumes and nobody gets that.

Sabina for example feel as she is missing something , as undead hero, add some zombie minions to all , it would be cool and refreshing , comparing her with Rigard and Melendor, she is missing something else.

I really expect some Graymame with a wolf pack costume as well as minions .

About Kelile, after the deserve nerf she received on her costume can add the cleanse for all as she deserves something else.

Dawa numbers are listed correct or is something wrong ? In that status she is too weak, needs attention .

About Khagan , in this previous Beta Version , they tried to buff the direct damage but then restore as the normal , so that shows that SG are aware about Khagan current status on game , this costume can be this opportunity for him to be more attractive, for a slow hero he needs something more, instead of provide 12% of ManĂĄ is better to add some soldier minions to everyone (12% hp and 10%atk numbers can tweaks) and each hit of those minions provide mana to the owner (3% each hit and yes small mama regeneration as Alberich, again numbers can tweak)

Edit: Want to be more minions on game , specially on S1 héroes costumes.

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Yeah, the skills are indeed too repetitive and boring. I was actually shocked they added elemental def down to 2 costumes.


I’ll keep this short and sweet.
Like Boril’s costume, cyprian’s is terrible. Cyrpian is already considered worse than Boril. Only reason to max the costume is for the bonus.
Obakan needs love, his regular is pretty trash, as is his current costume. Would love to see another purple elemental defense drop.

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I like this Obakan version and his vanilla will be on par with mid tier heroes with costume bonus and in some team setup extremely valuable


The 60% counter attack seems wasted to me, just as in the Boril and Cyprian costumes. I would rather see him just be a damage dealer OR drop his % damage down a tad and increase the reflect to 75-80%. I have obakan as a 1-1 bench rider. Even if I got his costume, I wouldn’t level him and my choices are him or zulag. Neither of which will get the tabards


put marjana back to 4 turn for elemental def down
and remove attack down for ice ennemies, we dont need this

I disagree fwiw. In her current version, she is a perfect counter for green tanks with blue flanks. I wish her elemental defense down lasted longer too but otherwise, her version is perfect IMO. Strong enough but not too strong. Among the top 5 vanilla snipers (Sartana, Joon, Magni, Lianna, and Marjana), I love it that her costume changed her from being a pure sniper to a multi-skilled semi-sniper.

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her main and most important skills is elemental def down, we need it to last longer rather than having an attack down which is a skill you can find on many heroes

or reduce her damage to keep both attack and def down at 4 turns
actually we dont really care about her damage that much, all elemental def down in the game are 4 turns, there is no reason that the only 5* fire def down is 3 turns only
make her deal like 200% dmg to target and nearby, thats fair i think

she would be like panther but with attack down on blue instead of dispel


It isn’t. Depends on enemy. Brought BorilC+4 successfully against fully emblemed Finley and Ursena in another top 100 war battle. They killed themselves.

The benefit is clearly that riposte ALL
which is also a benefit over the original version in several 4* tourneys.


Okay, you make a fair point. I hadn’t thought about Boril or Cyprian in that way. Honest question, do you feel similarly in regards to Obakan’s costume which is only hero and nearby @60%? Personally, I am struggling to see great use in that.

I think this is quite low when it only affects 3.
But I think ObakanCs purpose is not riposte
just a bonus. His benefit is Hit ALL
with FAST mana.


Very interesting. Thank you for your take!


My questing is, why spend for heroes that you probably wont get, just to have to spend to get the mats you need to ascend them? lol

Because with enough patience, you’ll eventually have the mats to ascend them, and being spoilt for choice is better than no choice.


Which red hero lowers the attack down?

Her defense down for 3 rounds in comparison to Leonidas 4 rounds is difference in fast and average speed

She is already very strong hero


She is an awesome hero even in the current “nerfed” form. Her initial damage is not far off Finley, a hero often considered OP, and unlike Finley she is guaranteed to hit 3 against a full enemy team. Just like Finley she brings the target’s defense down but hers is elemental and higher, and unlike Finley she also lowers a blue target’s attack. All of this for basically the same speed and stats as Finley (identical attack, lower defense, but much higher HP).

Again, I’d love her to stay in the original proposed form with an extra turn duration for her effects but that would be borderline OP I’m afraid, especially in today’s world of the Telluria-Vela fronts who have already suffered countless nerfs.

What about Obakan as a Bodyguard the taunt effect would be nice on him


Yes she is very strong, thats why i think her damage should be nerfed at 200% for target and nearby and increase 1 turn for def down

All elemental def down are 4 turns in the game, jackal, panther, falcon, nordri, arthur, frida, evelyn, almur
no matter their mana speed they all last 4 turns

Marjana will most likely be the only 5* fire def down we’ll have for a while, we ve all asked for it and now we finally have one you guys rather trade her main skills for some other “useless” skills
We need it to last 4 turns, 3 is too short

Make her deal same damage as evelyn and panther and put her back at 4 turns
nobody think evelyn and panther are overpowered, they are great at what they do, we need marjana to be the same
There is many way to make her more balanced with 4 turns fire def down but dont trade this skill for something else