🧪 Early Information on ROUND 3 Costumes [Part of The Beta Beat v33]

@Guvnor Why any of these costumes doesn’t cleansed or summons minions , I really really hope for a long time those effects On new costumes and nobody gets that.

Sabina for example feel as she is missing something , as undead hero, add some zombie minions to all , it would be cool and refreshing , comparing her with Rigard and Melendor, she is missing something else.

I really expect some Graymame with a wolf pack costume as well as minions .

About Kelile, after the deserve nerf she received on her costume can add the cleanse for all as she deserves something else.

Dawa numbers are listed correct or is something wrong ? In that status she is too weak, needs attention .

About Khagan , in this previous Beta Version , they tried to buff the direct damage but then restore as the normal , so that shows that SG are aware about Khagan current status on game , this costume can be this opportunity for him to be more attractive, for a slow hero he needs something more, instead of provide 12% of Maná is better to add some soldier minions to everyone (12% hp and 10%atk numbers can tweaks) and each hit of those minions provide mana to the owner (3% each hit and yes small mama regeneration as Alberich, again numbers can tweak)

Edit: Want to be more minions on game , specially on S1 héroes costumes.

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