They’re doing some pretty fast beta cycling. Which is good, because they’ll still need to get to testing for other features hoped for v30.
I would accept this version of telluria. HOT went back up. I would not expect people to call their lawyers due to a 10% reduction of mana debuff and 5% health reduction of minion. My +15 telluria would not mind at all.
As for class change, if the extra damage against red of vela remains removed, no class change is needed BUT IF it is restored, either in full or reduced (the latter is what i expect), telluria’s class should be change to druid to conflict with vela’s. That would be the only way to break the OP synergy and somehow, not totally, bring back diversity.
Great to see telluria healing reverted back. She will be still good in attack.
Thank you for the update!
I like what they did with Telluria. She still seems like a great hero.
Vela? I wish they would bump up her damage or give her something else. She seems really underwhelming on offense. I don’t see much use for her at all really.
75-225 HP worth of minions. Attacking team not wholly castrated by the special. If Khagan hits Average and Vela gets some extra damage I think they’re doing great. Average Atomos and serviceable Margaret and Gobbler are awesome as well.
Great. No change to teluria as 5% of a minion does nothing and 24% of mana still negates all your mana troops Good job
A more positive step compared to V1!
Happy to see Telluria’s healing returned so she can somewhat serve a purpose other than tank. Hopefully this is a good spot for her now.
Vela, I’d prefer to see her damage against reds returned but at a lower amount inline with some other heroes with a similar effect.
That, or how about returning her damage against reds to the original amount and nerf her attack down on reds instead? Completely removing her extra damage against reds impacts her offensive capabilities just as much as defensive (punishing red stacks). If the overall goal of this is to weaken the Telluria + Vela synergy, would dropping the red attack down not achieve that without removing one of the main aspects of her usefulness on attack?
It would be interesting to hear from a few testers how Vela is fairing on attack in the beta.
I agree with this idea 100%
5% minion is not nothing, but with HOT back up I think she’s a functional healer. Reducing the minion slightly affects her tankiness negatively, but really doesn’t knock her off the top of the pile.
This Telluria is in reach of other green tanks after costume this month with other balance changes in play, or at least they’re on the same radar.
telluria looks good in this version seems fair. LEAVE VELA ALONE. she is fine the way she is !!! if you have to F@#$ with her just reduce the extra damage to red to 40-50%.
Telly looks good like that
Vela still needs her extra damage back or up the base damage. Reducing the damage reduction to red will be better for balancing defense as the tile damage with red is the issue with Telly being so tanky
I wholeheartedly agree leaving the first Vela balance change in place and not altering back. She is great as proposed and I ascended her and putting emblems on her now, AFTER the proposed change.
DoT to ALL is POWERFUL, she has best resist around in todays minion meta, Great link for Event and Titan Teams and for those many pairing her with Finley on Offense. Her attack debuff is almost double Zelines, and in todays stacking meta, this can’t be overlooked. Excited for her in this version.
Thank you Beta and Devs.
With the HoT back to 411, Telluria is still useable on offense. The real back breaking thing raiding against her now is the -34% mana gen debuff. I think the -24% would still have an impact but doesn’t hit you that hard.
So I think this version right now looks pretty solid.
For Vela I hope they bring back the extra damage against red but reduce it from 70% to 40% or even lower to 25%.
For a trade off they could reduce the attack debuff against red a bit like -34% instead of the -54%.
Leave Telly like in V2, but take away 30 defense points from her and maybe give it to her attack stats! So the 411 healing is okay! But 991 def with +20 is too much of you don’t go mono!!!
One thing I never understood at Vela’s release was the attack debuff, until Telluria came along… Typically a debuff is against the colour strong against the hero (so I would have expected against green for Vela rather than red)?
Maybe this aspect could be separately considered in testing? I think the DoT is more controllable?
Basically the strongest colour against Telluria is hit in all directions by Vela. I use 3-1-1 green and generally run between 2,500- 2,600 cups with my Aegir tank (yep I’m well out of date).
Alternatively a fast red cleanser at 4* (easily obtainable) could be an option to break the synergy, if health and defense orientated in base stats? Maybe one exists but I can’t think of one…
Final thought would be to run a series of HOTMs of different coloured flanks which basically do the same as Vela does for green- completely disable the colour naturally strong against the tank?
Telly and Vela should stay the way they were promoted. Otherwise It will be absolutly unfair and against consumers. In that case I Will definitevly uninstall this s a joke.
Thanks for adding the heal back, happy with these changes currently.
give vela only 3 targets dmg = gravemaker very fast mana (extra 30-40% dmg in reds) in this form she will not lose herself in the attack, but will not be overpowered in defense …
Glad that telluria will keep her heal. It’s the reason I use her as an attacker, she’s my green healer. Unhappy with removing vela damage to reds. Maybe 70% extra damage to reds is too much, but I’m glad a blue hero that does extra damage to reds exists. Just like there’s ursena and Gravemaker and Zeline. Vela should keep it, and then you guys should make a yellow one lol.
Nice turnaround time with these changes, looking forward to what the beta testers have to say.
Still hoping for a milder return of Vela’s fire damage bonus or some other mild damage adjustment that isn’t overwhelming, but so far I am digging these changes overall.