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This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the New Raid Tournament Rule: Dragon Tournament Air Support.
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New Raid Tournament Rule: Dragon Tournament Air Support
Beta Updates
February 05, 2025 – added for first look testing.
February 20, 2025 – tournament modifier is renamed to Air Support.
It seemed inevitable that dragons would be pushed into main-game PvP, but
do. not. want.
not even at this slow-but-inevitable drip.
(Any bets that the first time dragon!tournament spawns, there “coincidentally” happens to be a tourney PoG weekly task? )
Ideally, a lot of us might just boycott the dragon!tourney and let the folks who have paid for fully ascending 5* dragons mostly beat up on each other.
—If the tournament is sufficiently unpopular, maybe it will demonstrate that we really don’t want to be constantly clobbered even more in raids, wars etc for having forever-stuck 4* dragons.
One thing I can say is that I already cannot compete in 5star tourneys, a 5star assist dragon is going to make zero difference to me. Since I hope to soon-ish max a 4 star Dragon that should then be OK I guess and I already have a 3 star assist Dragon. SO the only one really affected is the one I already don´t care about, so I don´t think it´ll bother me much so far. As long as the Dragons don´t enter wars I can ignore the rest
Also the 1.5x effect seems rather irrelevant? I mean assist Dragons are right now not doing much at all, so 1.5x nothing is still nothing… unless these mentioned element links and whatnot actually do something.
It’s less that I’m against the tournament per se and more against what it seems to be leading to, e.g. dragon!wars and dragon!raids and dragon!W3K etc.
Also generally just not a fan of widening the already existing gap, but hey.
Of course this was about to happen. And they will also be added to wars and everything else.
I actually expect that someday there will be dragon-oriented events in the main game (not only as assistants), so you’ll have to own dragons or you won’t be able to participate.
Just did my first five beta raids and the dragons barely made an impact.
The enemy dragon didn’t fire once. I should also note the enemy dragon mana gain is not happening as described in the rules unless I’m missing something.
This will definitely upset a lot of people, but I don’t think it matters yet.
I also find it interesting there is no discussion of strategy yet.
For defense, my first thought was to match the dragon to the tank. They’re most likely to get hit. It also buffs the tank. But, if you add more than one hero of an element you may want to match that dragon.
This gets trickier if you only have a limited selection of dragons to use (which many probably do). Of course, it was hard to notice the impact, so not sure it mattered.
On offense, this seems like a decent chance to go mono. Unfortunately, we know how that goes for players.
Nope - doesn’t float my boat
Dragons should stay in their own zone and not cross over - tournament or not …
But I suppose it was always going to happen once these dragons appeared
But it will further unbalance the game in my opinion and certainly be a turn off for some of the players
You can of course opt out of the tournament, but I suspect that the dragon “invasion” will continue to spread
Just my two pennies worth
I doubt there are many people who have more than 1 assist dragon maxed…
And the impact of the assist dragons is so small it´s best to simply ignore the nonsense, at least I have always done so so far and I don´t intend to change it until it makes a real difference.
I, for one, do. I keep getting those scrolls from the idle chests that I open in the vain hope of receiving some uncut gems ( of any element).
With a surplus of fish, I may just as well level up those assist skills for the future.
As I said not many people doing that, never said nobody does
I am pretty sure I could max another 5 or 20 (what do I know never looked at my scroll count since the starter pass) if I wanted to, but since there is no benefit in having any of them, I can´t be bothered.
As those scrolls have only the one use and my Fish Storage is maxed so any further fish earned would be lost, I level the Assist Skill for the future rather than letting the fish go to waste.
I wouldn’t be at all surprised that before too long dragons will be having a greater impact on the main game - hence the, basically costless, investment in preparing for a probable future.
( Got sweet FA else to do due to lack of uncut gems of all elements. )