šŸ§Ŗ Early Information on New Covenant of Champions Event [Part of The Beta Beat v50]

Um, no. Iā€™ve seen the secondary S1 costumes, and no they donā€™t. I actually keep track of these things. Including everything in beta, nothing gets you over 5300.

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@PlayForFun , so the stages are a kind of Raid in which you face two (or 3) teams in a same match

If you donā€™t get a good board it can be difficult

The oppoentā€™s skills are tuned down a bit. (Less damage, less healing, less everything else) so it is easier than raiding against the same set of heroes.

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With emblems and limit break Vivica with double costume has 1037 TP
(I am actually seeing a picture of this in Beta forum).
5 Vivicas (but other S1 heroes has similar TP with 2 costumes) = 5185 TP
Based on your math troops worth 350 TP.

So total team TP for 5 heroes with troops is 5535.


Weā€™re entering in a new frontier for hero power

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Please tell your alliance mates that if they pull heavy at 400, every new portal in the future will be at 400. Restraintā€¦ Is not that the people of e&p do wellā€¦ But we need to show that we will not tolerate the change to the in game economy.


Ugh, can we not just remove the classic heroā€™s already. This is a good chance to start weening them out!ā€¦ I thought the challenge festivals and Black Friday/Solstice portals weā€™re going to set in motion them being removed but doesnā€™t seem theyā€™re going anywhere for now. :pensive:


Iā€™ll take an s1 5* as long as they are pulled from a different bucket than the event 5*. Just because they are similar in stats doesnā€™t mean that i sacrificed a good event hero for a s1 5*. And just because they are unlikely to be pulled doesnā€™t meanā€¦ If i didnā€™t pull magniā€¦ I would have gotten ludwigā€¦ Nopeā€¦ Just means there was a 99% chance of not getting other stuff.

The big question is how long before they nerf the monster hunters after release?

Tbh they probably will be buffed after release. % chance to get them is too low to nerf them.

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I know Iā€™m missing something because I donā€™t understand statistics very well but the odds are the best in the game after the challenge portal. Iā€™m seeing a 1.6% for featured heroes. Now I understand there are 6 featured which waters that down a bit. The challenge portal
Is 1.5% odd with only 3 featured.

Aside from the gem increase, can someone explain why the odds are the worst in the game? Anecdotally, any time Iā€™ve pulled in a 1% portal, magic and ninja for example. You could see/feel the drop rates are low. Iā€™ve done around 700 pulls total in ninja, I have 8 ninjas. The odds are right on, but brutal. When I pull in the challenge portal I have gotten every hero I wanted from n a reletively moderate amount of pulls.

So just seeing that 1.6% tells me featured heroes will be popping up like daisies. We will know in a month but my prediction is that portal is going to dump heroes. Monster heroes, that Iā€™m not sure of, but the featured heroes will be popping hard imho. Cheers all!

1.5% for 3 featured => 0.5% for any ā€œspecificā€ featured hero

Look at the listed odds for Covenant, as listed by @PlayForFun

Unless you want the old HOTM, the odds are 0.27% for each of the other 3.


Thanks for that, I knew the other legendaries watered things down just didnā€™t know how to quantify it. I personally think the challenge festival portal has the best odds, do you know off hand how that looks in comparison? Or could you lead me to a link? Appreciate it!


CF2 will have 3 featured heroes @1% odds.

Each ā€œspecificā€ featured hero = 0.33%

Slightly better odds if you are okay with an incremental 0.06% improvement.

The link for you.


Really appreciate you doing that for me!


It seems the portal is now a bit better:

  • Some (but not all new rare and epic Heroes are now added to the portal)
  • The Season 1 hero chance seems to be dropped from about 60% to 25% (I tried to do a quick headcount, and there are 81 special heroes and only 27 Season 1 heroes in the portal)
  • New featured heroes (Including Garnet)

The gem cost is still the same.
The chest is now changed.
I will add more information on Tuesday to the OP after I collected more information.


Disregard it is just by head count.

If I wieght it with the chances, then the Season 1 heroes chances are only reduced a bit.

I have updated the OP with the most recent hero list, and appearance rate analysis.


Itā€™s still a free coin only portal, to me. They can reduce the poll and the chances however they please, but 400 gems for even the slightest chance to get a Graymane is insulting.


And now Greymane is available as an optionā€¦

So is Salmon Loki :rofl: :fearful: :scream:


Sameā€¦ no way Iā€™m wasting my gems here. Just play the thing and use the free coins or not.