đŸ§Ș Early Information on "Big Balance Update" [Part of The Beta Beat v58]

Teti doesnt do water damage.

Some of these are absolutely ridiculous nerfs

Leonidas C - Hit all from 240% down to 190%
why ? This wasn’t an overpowered hero to begin with. You have fast heroes like Guardian Panther who even after her nerf will hit all at Fast mana for 250% PLUS her EDD. How do you justify lowering an Average mana hero down to hit all at 190%
makes no sense.

Guardian Gazelle - both the base hero and C-Hero were serviceable heroes. I didn’t use her that much in raids and wars, definitely not even close to over powered
why would you completely remove a core ability like heal ?? I don’t think I have ever heard anyone complain about Grdn Gazella being overpowered. Way too heavy handed a nerf.

Hel - C - Hit all lowered from 300% down to 250%. You’ve got Fast mana heroes hitting all at 250%
Why on earth would nerf a Average Mana hero to 250%??


What in the world of incompetent buffoonery is this nonsense?

If these changes go live thats it. Feeding video.


C’est tellement plus facile pour vous de changer les stats plutĂŽt que d’imaginer de nouveaux hĂ©ros. ArrĂȘtez de buf nerf des hĂ©ros crĂ©Ă©s des contres et tout le monde sera content. Je n’ose pas imaginer Ă  quel point et l’argent que beaucoup ont mis pour au final ne plus avoir les mĂȘmes hĂ©ros qu’au dĂ©part. C’est trĂšs dĂ©sagrĂ©able et ça montre le peut de respect que vous avez pour la communautĂ© des joueurs. C’est bien dommage

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Stop screwing with my costume Guardian Panther! This is the 4th fn nerf!! Just stop! Leave Brittney alone!!!


no stat boost and no fix to that card.


Agree. Taking away entire bullets from Heroes’ special skills.

Yet you are giving Goseck a stat boost while completely ignoring his up to 700% damage to all special.


Hopefully they never do.

Thanks for the info. I’m going to say this as calmly as I can. Eliminating the benefit of overheal when facing a max-health-reducer is “quit forever” level bull.


I can understand lowering the % of any givin hero. I own Anne and i can cope with the nerf but i hate when you nerf the effect. I dont even own furdinand and i HATE him but i feel for the owner.

Who asked for a queen guowan nerf?


Wooooow thats epic :scream:
You are really “considering” a gift like this?!?
Im crying right now because its really heart touching that you even “considering” such gentle goodies to your dedicated player base



I was just starting to get the hang of using Ludwig too :cry: Was so looking forward to soon being able to team him up with LoLo. It was enjoyable going rainbow raiding 
 fun while it lasted.

The other few “buffs” I get are from costume bonuses.

And I only just pulled Gazelle this last weekend, Dammit!

Not sure how they can call this a Big Balance when it only widens the gap between old and newer. I was expecting something different – like the opposite of what they did. Maybe they have a different definition of balance.


Of course they do, the only balance they’re interested in is their bank balance.


I have 3 LB Milena which will be unusable, I have lb Rhys and Fortuna which will be unusable. I have 200 5 star cards where half of them will be unusable. At least one reset? I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in this game. I will not spend a single penny anymore. Goodbye.


I don’t get this. I don’t really comment in these threads, but this ‘balance’ update is an absolute joke. What was with Brynhild, Sergei, even Taunters? They were all ok how they were and even the poorest of them, Queen of Hearts, already super underpowered is even more underpowered now? S2 5* costumes get no stats buff, but Valhalla and Underwild with better regular stats gets even higher costume bonus? What have S2 heroes done to deserve this?

Buffing stats of newer 5*, but none of the older ones (except the ones that have costumes released)? Don’t liking this at all. It will create even bigger gap between playerbase. I understand nerf for more OP heroes, but omg
 Nemesis 1st charge a sniper going down from 500% to 440%, why? Is Erebus, that I have, gonna have same fate later on or what? Why nerfing a sniper? Morel -4% def down, for what, don’t have him, but what’s the point? Rhys, Gazelle also unneccesary nerf, Tbh Furdinand is annoying to face, but there are more OP heroes than he is and also unnecessary and very huge nerf if you ask me, I would be very sad if I had him
 he was completely destroyed. Fortuna too. Queen Guowang nerf also affects me, but at least I kind of understand as she is common in OP defs, but still feels unneccessary

I’m also not too sold about the max health reduction buff either against boosted health.


Yeah, the Gazelle nerf is just ridiculous. I’ve expressed a lot of the frustrations cited as reasons for these sweeping “balance” updates, but when I have an awful starting board and my entire team is wiped out by Anne, Guardian Hippo or Khufu, my first thought isn’t, “Gee, I really wish they’d take away Gazelle’s heal.” Honestly, I think all that talk about “balance” is just cover to ruin older, versatile, very useful heroes like Milena and Gazelle, so players are encouraged to spend more on new alternatives. After all, the real game, the game they’re actually focused on, has nothing to do with war or quests. The real game is the slot machine.


I have added this section to the third post so that you can check what are the changes which is not related to stat and aether power changes.


Nothing to worry about

 because an update will be made afterwards to balance the game since devs found out the game is unbalanced and they clearly listen.

I’ve heard something already. New heroes will improve the game, lv 95 will enhance competitive play, power talents will diversify the heroes even more, Brynhilde will only heal herself because devs listened to the criticism about her recent changes and in the future no new 4* heroes will be released because there is an obvious gab between 4* and 5*.

Happy gaming


Thanks for this @PlayForFun ! I would also like to note that alot of the damage over time changes are also just stat change related and probably don’t need a call out.