🐉 Dragonspire - Buildings (Watchtower, Storage buldings, Hatchery, Dragon Forge, Quarry and Fishery)

Very… cool! :snowflake:

Gz for your first 5*!

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Never said it was my first 5*. Just first that dropped from Hatchery. :grinning:


expect 180 days between 5 stars… or about six months. Quite a few players will be posting here without getting one in a year.

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Didn’t want @Ventress to feel alone, my first 5 trainings :slightly_smiling_face:


@JAWS_3D That’s awesome, congratulations!


5 max dragons already? With the way they are dripping out ascension mats, I didn’t think we’d get there that fast

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You need 40 x 4*AM for that.

We have already third PoD, which is 4 x 4* AM (2 for free). Just tomorrow we’ll get last Rare quest (so after that you’re free to use your Loot ticket to complete it, yay). So that is another 6 x 4*AM. So the guy had to get 30 x 4*AM from offers. Though with luck you could get some from Idle chests (I got one), more with VIP … probably.

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I have 27 AM and 1 x 5* dragon ascended. I think I missed a single purchase of a Rainbow Chalice or a Dragonstone Pendant, but otherwise bought all AM offers.

I have a purple dragon ascended with 2 amethyst pendants left over.
I will get 2 jade pendants from Path of Dragons this weekend and ascend a green dragon, but have a jade pendant left over.
I have 6 rainbow chalices and only need to use 4 for a set of 5 dragons.

Of the 35 ascension mats I have received, 5 are overages and will not be used.

Therefore that user was both very lucky with VIP RNG, and coincidentally got all the right AMs to do a set of 5.


Strong “nope” there, don’t feel like you missed out.

I bought the VIP loot pass (like 4 months worth) when Dragonspire first came out, get excited for the event and get a head start on all the buildings and dragons. I got one 4* AM (ruby pendant) from it this whole time, it was a waste of money in my opinion and I won’t be renewing it.

Thanks @Ventress , neat to benchmark where everybody is so appreciate all the info, very helpeful.


I accidentally collected 100 dragons from the hatchery. Could SG add a button so I don’t need collect all when I accidentally push? Thank you

I tried to shut the game, but still the dragons came to me :rofl:


Did the same here. Quite annoying…


Hi @birksg. First of all, thank you for the guides!

The hatchery guide seem to be wrong. For level 8, there are no required items. You only need food and dragonlings :grin:

I have almost finished the Spire to level 10, so I can soon do my final buildings in the locked area.

I think 2 days left.