Does the dodge stack

Hi all, i am just wondering if anyone knows if Arfanias’s talent 20% dodge stacks with 75% special skill dodge? (To make dodge 95%)

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It should equate to an 80% dodge


To make it clear for OP how to get that number.

Both dodges kick in one after another (I think talents first, but for the math it doesn’t really matter)

You get hit and have a 20% chance to evade → 80% chance to get hit.
Now in those 80% you have a 75% chance to dodge. 75% of 80 is 60, so another 60% chance to dodge.
Or total 20%+60%=80% total chance to dodge.


Different dodgers used to stack, but haven’t for years now. Happened soon after Margaret was released and buffed. Rouge skill is the one exception that I know of. The SS dodge and the rogue dodge can both be active, but at their own percentages. Dodge percentage are not additive, they are separate calculations. So with a 30% dodge and a 50% dodge, it isn’t 80%, just each will check and if either passes the hero dodges.

Only thing I’m unsure of is if there is an order applied to the dodge checks (Ss first then rogue?)

But why does it say + 30% chance if it does not add?

I think they mean +20% as “positive 20 percent” rather than “an additional 20 percent chance”