Devana vs Mica vs Norns?

As in the title. Other yellows maxed are Akkorog, Vivi, Joon, Ureus, Neith. I have Onyx and Cobalt so there is a family bonus. Looking for best attacking hero. Devana seems like a good choice, but against minion heros I mostly use Grimble+Alfrike combo which works pretty well. Another thing is I have one 23 lvl mana troop and Devana being average is another hero who needs that troop, Mica is more forgiving there. I am torn mostly between Devana and Mica

I would choose between Mica and Devana as well. Your yellow lineup misses a faster healer/safeguard hero with already enough attackers maxed so I would start with Mica first, she is a brilliant attacking hero (and will also help a lot with one of your war teams).