Yes it’s yet another thread asking for defense team advice. I recently pulled and ascended some new heroes and now I’m unsure what the best raid defense setup will be so I want to tap into the collective wisdom of the community. Below I have listed all of the 5* I have who are fully ascended (or very soon to be in the case of Jaberwock). I am also willing to move emblems if needed.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Ariel (+14)
Elena (+14)
Isarnia (+12)
Joon (+12)
Domitia (+12)
Kadilen (+11)
King Arthur (+9)
Lianna (+9, with costume maxed)
Jean Francois
I agree that Justice is the only hero I have that is typically considered a tank, but isn’t really good enough to hang in diamond. Elena is arguably the other one, but is too squishy.
I am liking your second option even though healers are not generally good tanks. Ariel may be able to stall long enough for Jabba and Lianna to chew through the opposition.