Defense Team Advice for Wife

Can I get some opinions on the best raid defense team for my wife’s account? I am struggling to decide what lineup to recommend. Her 5* roster is:

Richard +10
Santana +6
c.Magni +3
Leonidas +3
Zimkitha +14
Azlar +16
Kingston +10
Vivica +8
Joon +14
Margaret +9
Poseidon +4
Elkanan +3
c.Rigard +20

I included c.Rigard since he is practically a 5*

She is also working on leveling Gravemaker, so obviously he will make the cut once he gets to level 80.

Thanks in advance for any insight!

Until GM is ready

Sartana Zim Richard Kingston Joon

After that, and GM is emblemed

Sartana CMagni GM Kingston Joon

Should go ok


Thanks! So you’d roll with no healer?

Well all you’ve got is Viv or Rigard, she is too passive and he is a four.

My theory especially with second team is kill em first, by softening them with GM to put them in range of all those fast snipers. Only really good counter is Kadilen as she reduces snipers damage at fast speed, but nobody is going to take her to a GM tank

No defense is impregnable but this one at least has a plan how it wins - speed

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That makes sense, thanks again. I consider c.Rigard+20 to be practically a 5* and I was leaning towards using him (flanking Richard), but he would make Zimkitha redundant since they’re both +att cleaners. The other red option, Azlar, is too slow.

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I’m a huge fan of Rigard, but I have to agree with the advice above that Zimkitha is the better bet here; I don’t have her, sadly, but find her a lot more annoying to attack. It really isn’t necessary to have a healer on defence.