Raid Defense Help 2019 Oct

Hey Guys,

Need some advice on my defense teams. Offense I do fine, was able to crack top 10 US/World earlier but want to maximize my defense.

Which team would you suggest for defense?

Team Option 1:
Tank: Guin
Wing 1: Kingston
Wing 2: Mitsuko
Flanks Left: Ariel
Flank Right: Seshat

Team Option 2:
Tank: Guin
Wing: Kingston
Wing: Seshat
Flank Left: King Arthur
Flank RIght: Ariel

Team Option 3:
Tank: Guin
Wing 1: Kingston
Wing 2: Mitsuko
Flanks Left: Frieda/King Arthur
Flank Right: Seshat

Let me know some feedback on best way to set up my defense team. Also if I should use Mana or Crit troops on each Hero.

I also have hero’s like : Marjana, Delilah, Lianna, Evelyn, x4 Grazul, x4 Seshat, x2 Kingston, Poseidon, Greg, Lady Locke, x2 Magni, Richard, Freida, Joon, Azlar,

Notable Hero’s/Common Defensive hero’s I’m missing and don’t have: Aegir, Grave/Ursala, Alasie, Zeline, Kage, Drake

Needs some help optimizing my defensive team, thanks!

I’ve shifted your topic to Gameplay Help & Tactics to ensure you get the right support/advice you need.

I only have a limited number of those heroes so I can’t provide the best advice, but Seshat at Flank is excellent from what I hear (if I remember correctly).
I’m also interested in the synergy Mitsuko and Kingston’s innate resist to burn creates.


Thanks for moving this. I have not come across a team with a set up like including Kingston/Mitsuko but my thought is the Guin/Mitsuko synergy paired with Kingston’s attack down debuff seems strong

In a vacuum I know Defense down > attack down with an elemental debuffer like Evelyn in your bench the 1-2 punch of Evelyn & Kingston would seem to be pretty devastating in attack…not sure the merits in defense though.

That’s all the feedback I’ve got, I’ll let more learned contributors provide better guidance.

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Fantastic, thanks. Yes in offense I have never really had an issue reaching 2700+ but as mentioned, want to assemble the best defensive team I can.

Think as an attacker and the team which you think is harder to beat that should be.

In the end your team will be IA managed so the success depends on the attacker.

Kings Ariel Guin Mitsy Sesh


Thanks @Olmor, think that may be the one I roll with. I have a feeling Finley will be heavily used, Mitsuko can help counter him along with her other strengths. For Mitsy would you roll Mana troops or crit? Emblem her with defense focus or more balanced with Attack/health with this line up? Appreciate the insight.

I prefer mana troops everywhere, but at least for averagees and slowies.

My talent grids increase the weaker stats of my heroes to make em more tankey, but that’s a question of personal view. Almost all of mine get def and health. I like em sturdy.

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As far as I understand things, critical attacks apply to tile attacks and defence is run by the AI using specials; so for static defense like raids and wars, mana troops are probably best IMO.