Def team help again

I’m going to start maxing 5*, I want focus on my def team.
Which heroes will build my best def team?

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You wont find better than MN in green except maybe Zeline

Magni for blue
Marjana for red

Is this for wars or raids? Do you have a tank color in mind?

Off the top of my head

I would probably run

Mn marjana hel magni joon

If you go yellow tank

Mn hel leonidas magni marjana

Red tank

Mn hel marjana magni joon

Blue tank

Mn hel richard marjana joon

Though isarnia with emblems could be solid, but I’m just going off base versions and saying richard is your best blue tank in that pic

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Thank you,
I was asking for raid def team.
Our alliance using blue tanks so I’m grateful about your blue tank team idea.

I think if you truly want to, you could get by with an isarnia tank

Magni is truly the best blue you have and regardless of defense setup, deserves your next set of scopes

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