Hello my beloved gamer friends!
I have been playing for a few months. Currently, I am at SH 14, training things up to complete missions and get closer to SH20 as soon as possible. Once I hit TC12 and quickly 13, I started running into the problem of having decision paralysis. There are too many heroes to train.
Currently, I use Tyrum, Hawkmoon, Ulmer, Bane, and Isshtak. I like this team except for Isshtak. He’s not so great but I’m not sure who to put in that spot.
Here is what I have:
Currently, I am working on:
Red: Gormek-He’s my only red hero not fully leveled. Currently at 2-33 and will take time to get to 4-70.
Yellow: I’m finishing Gan Ju. He’ll be done soon and I’ll need another yellow hero to replace that gap.
Purple: I’m finish Oberon soon and then will work on Renfeld (3-1) as he’ll be my only purple hero left.
Blue: I’m working on Valen as I like to complete what I start. After him, I’m thinking Sonya and her costume as I will have 3 fully leveled 3* heroes with different roles on a team (support, all enemies, sniper). Then if I still have no other blue heroes, I’ll go back for Karil.
Green: I’m finishing Friar Tuck for similar reason as Valen…but am at a loss from there. Do I work on Melendor as he is 4* or Belith as she would be a good 3* replacement for Hawkmoon? Or is there a different hero that would balance out my roster better to fill up? Please advise.
Also, one fully leveled up: who do I emblem? Currently my thoughts:
Barbarian: Gormek as he is 4*
Cleric: Hawkmoon as she is my only option
Druid: Once I get someone there- I haven’t got a clue.
Fighter: I haven’t got a clue (options are Valen, Oberon, Renfeld)
Monk: Maybe Friar Tuck but I kinda want to keep them on Bane. Thoughts?
Paladin: Save for Sonya as she is 4*.
Ranger: Save for later as I’m not in love with Isshtak or Berden.
Rogue: Also saveas I’m not in love with Dawa or Carver.
Wizard: Ulmer as he my only option right now.
I have no sorcerers so they will be held until I get one.
Any other feedback would be great as well as strategy may not be my strongest suit sometimes and I’m still learning this ever growing game.