My team last time.
My team this time. I didn’t realize the change would be so drastic, but with costumed Rigard now available, Lianna finally getting her tonics (and costume), and Neith now maxed, my options for this trial had significantly increased.
- On the bench: Arthur, Falcon, Sonya, Cyprian, Frida 3.70, Evelyn, Triton, Buddy #1 and #2, Jack, Chao, and Tibs
I got to the bosses with everyone ready, except Rigard (too busy looking pretty, apparently). Neith and QoH turned out to be an effective combo, as at least one attack channelled to Queen missed because of blindness.
Athena dropped Richard. Lianna took her shot at Rigard, and he survived. My Lianna struck back, hitting boss L hard. A tile drop finished them both.
Trainer to Isarnia, emblems to QoH and Athena.