Darts for Yellow 5* Hero

I’ve been lucky with yellow 5* heroes, resulting in a high quality problem on deciding who gets the darts.

Already levelled and/or LB:

  • C Joon (LB, +20)
  • Wolfgang (recently LB, +20) - now levelling to 4/85
  • Penolite (4/80, +8) - next to LB
  • Motega (4/80, +20)
  • Mica (4/80, +1)

Waiting at 3/70, I have Hanitra, Devana, Uraeus, Malosi, Caitlin and (soon) Aounda.

I also have unlevelled Zekena (next one to level), Thor, Vivica (no costume), Leonidas (no costume), Neith and Norns, plus Justice at 2/60.

On healers, I decided to wait for a better 5* yellow healer than Vivica so rely on D’Andre (LB, +1) and Gullinbursti (4/70, +1) for now.

Of the heroes at 3/70, which are your top 3 for darts? Any advice and thoughts are appreciated. Many thanks in advance!

Appreciate any advice and thoughts on

That’s easy, none of them. Give me the darts so I can waste em on Hanitra. :laughing:


I would say Zekena, she fills 2 roles: Shooter / Sniper + def down for titan if you don’t have such a hero yet…
After it’s a close call between Devana and Malosi, both have their serve and are good ones…
Hanitra and Uraeus right after, both good

Hanitra could replace the need of a healer with her heal after dodge…

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Thanks for your recommendations, MichID90.

In terms of skills, Hanitra is my first dodger (no C Kadilen, Inari, Margaret etc). So even though she doesn’t deal any direct damage, she’s unique to my roster plus the nice after-dodge heal you mentioned.

I agree on Devana and Malosi. Devana as a yellow debuffer is a good counter to the likes of Ludwig. Likewise, Malosi stops Alfrike in her tracks.

As for Zekena, you’re right. He’s a great sniper with high total damage to 2 targets plus his def down is great for titans. I’m wondering if he’s a lower priority for me. Currently hitting 50+k damage per flag on a 10* purple titan with Wu Kong, Malosi,C Joon, Griffin and Uraeus so holding my own among my team mates.

Poll for voting, can vote for up to 3 options.

  • Hanitra
  • Zekena
  • Devana
  • Norns
  • Malosi
  • Uraeus
  • Aouda
  • Caitlin
  • Thor
  • Leonidas
  • Justice
  • Vivica
  • Neith
0 voters

Thanks, Guvnor! Nothing like a poll for a quick and easy answer. :smile:

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That’s great, but you can double your damage with a def down hero :slight_smile:
So I would really recommend Zekena, this also helps you to save items as you do a higher damage overall…

Fruther I would recommend Hero Academy level 8 in order to train Jackal for the Elemental Def down, will blow up your damage even more :wink:

Good luck!


You make very good points!

I have Jackal currently at 3/38. If Zekena and Jackal are both def down on titan team, do they stack? I presume one overwrites the other. If so, Jackal is more effective (-54% for 4 turns, very fast) than Zekena (-42% for 3 turns, fast) but Zekena hits much harder of course.

They stack! Jackal is elemental and Zekena is normal defense down.


Very cool! Thanks for confirming this!

Like @Rduke77 said, they will stack :slight_smile:
if you have Bertulf from CoK he could replace WU Kong
LB and max emblemed he will stand most likely one hit from titans…

Thanks for the tip, MichID90!

Yes, I have Bertulf (3/50, +1) but haven’t emblemed him beyond +1 or LB yet. So far, Wu Kong (LB, +20) is a core hero of the team for all colour titans.

How does Bertulf (LB, +20) with 100% attack (no miss, 4 turns) fare compare with Wu Kong (LB, +20) with 185% attack (-32% accuracy, 5 turns)? My Wu Kong has 818 Def and 1329 HP.

Saving emblems mostly for 5* heroes. The only 3* and 4* heroes who have full emblems and LB are Treevil and Wu Kong.

Bertulf you can use on so much occasions, you won’t regret giving him emblems + LB him…
3* and 4* should be the core heroes, tournaments and events can give you good loot for finishig / competing…
also some 4* are essential for titans / war / 5* touraments etc…
Think about it :wink:

The biggest advantage from Bertulf is that the stones never miss… so even if WU might give better results IF the stones hit, there could be misses as well…
I think it will even out over the long term but on some occasions you can hit 3 stones into the weak point and they won’t miss, allowing you one more turn without a hero getting killed or allowing you to fire another special…
also specials with him won’t miss…

Try him out like he is now, use axes and arrows to keep him alive and decide on your own :slight_smile:

Of course this info with Bertulf isn’t valid if you have Miki / Tarlak / Guardian Gazelle :slight_smile:

Appreciate your advice. I’ll give Bertulf the full works (LB, emblems) and set him onto the Titans!

Sadly no Miki, Tarlak etc

I have a decent roster of 3* and 4* (maxed but not LB, +1 emblems). With careful hero selection, they often beat stronger teams (LB, +20) and place within top10% in tournaments, sometimes even top 1% or top 5%. So I can save the aethers / emblems on 5* and super 4* for wars.

Zekena is the best of all your options. I debate every day LB him

If you had both Zekena and Penolite, which would you LB first?

Penolite is fast, hits all with double damage to minion / fiend summoners. A good counter to the Freyas, Beras, Elizabeths, Hannahs, Christmases etc

A tough choice for me. :sweat_smile:

I think not having a 5 star curator is a shame … Vivica is one of my 3 survey options. It is still very strong especially if you emblem it, take care of it a lot and raise the defense making the whole team more resistant. As a second option I voted Devana because she remains a one-of-a-kind sacred hero. The third option is for me Hanitra, another super HOTM that you can perfectly use both in attack and in defense.

I have several good 5* healers - Heimdall (LB, +20), Ariel (+20), Xmolphod (+20), Garnet (+19), Mother North + costume (awaiting tonics), Passepartout (awaiting scopes) etc - just not in yellow. That’s why I’m waiting instead of levelling Vivica.

Noted and agree with you on Devana and Hanitra to be maxed. It just takes time to collect enough darts. Sigh! :disappointed_relieved:

Penolite before Zekena for LB id say but both are worthy