Damascus Blade ! Help

How do you get Damascus Blades? The last one I received was at the beginning of April in the Rare mission, I have five heroes stopped for lack of this item. I open an average of 5 chests a day, 100% mystical vision, Titans 12 * always A and sometimes A +, Elemental chests on average every 8 days, Titans chests every 6 days, top 1% tournaments, but there’s no way … it’s too disheartening. Does anyone have any suggestions or know any secrets to getting these items?

More than 12 days have passed and nothing of a single Damascus blade. in a little while I will put all my 24 5 * heroes on 3/70 and no blade. Sometimes I think SG is trying hard for players to give up on the game and end it completely, preventing them from ending the game suddenly and taking legal risks, I can’t see anything else for this posture of making an item of almost impossible. rise. SINCERELY.

Sorry buddy, the only real answer to your question of

How do I get Damascus Blades?


Be Luckier!

You’re doing everything right, and they will come


My AM dilemma doesn’t stretch to your levels of deprivation, but a few weeks ago I had been beginning to be frustrated and desperate.

A sale deal popped up and I was sorely tempted. I asked my Alliance mates to give me some tough love and not spend.

I then got two D blades in three days!!! Wooohooo!

And now I’m short on tomes…



It sucks, mate, but your luck will turn.


The question is, I only get this item in rare missions and it only appears every three months, only for the five heroes I have to level up, it will take me a year and three months, from here to there, I’m sure I already gave up. If the extreme difficulty of getting a 5 * hero weren’t enough, it still seems more difficult to get the items to level them up. TOO FRUSTRATING.

My point being that they will come in waves, it will change, it’s just a rough patch.

Don’t give in to the negativity, try to enjoy what you have instead of worrying about what you don’t have


Yep. I have spare D.Blades. I want Tomes of Tactic. My coleader also wants a lot of Tomes since he has a lot of D.Blades, too.

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Yeah I’m a Tome man too…always short. But I had one drop from a Titan recently and Farholme gave me number 2 so that’s 2 5* I’ve been able to work on.

So they drop…just painfully slowly :joy:

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10 D. Blades, 15 Tomes and NO heroes to work on :sweat_smile:

I don’t know what to say man, loot is just a matter of personal luck, unless you get guaranteed mats from quests,events, etc. Higher star titans definitely help, but you already said you are on 12*s and performing well. Opening more chests also increases chance for getting something good and what you need, but then you said you are doing a lot chests daily…

Patience is what you need at the moment and hopefully RNG will deliver you what you need :slight_smile:

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Mystic vision? Is that not a thing to you? I have a pile with no use for them!

I currently have far more Damascus blades than I have compasses. But then, I’ve used a lot more compasses…

I also have more mysterious tonics than I have sturdy shields.

SG be like: “oh sure, you can bring your 5* heroes up to 4th ascension. You just can’t bring them up to 3rd ascension!” :laughing:


You should not have started me! I asked for DIRECTIONS to a compass (which is oddly what they are for). I got no wiser. The quests are a an unfinishable joke imo. BUT, pay the $15 AUD for 3 average non farmables and you are good to go.

Some of the quests I can do, some I can’t. I tend to struggle with legendary level stuffs where the recommended team power gets up around 4500-4600… :grimacing:

As for buying the items directly? I only occasionally see those deals… 1 compass, 1 warm cape, 1 potion or whatever for 500 gems… most people would probably pass on those (I suppose they’d prefer to pull 1 and 2/3s Dawas with those gems? IDK)… if I need a compass badly enough though, and I see that offer, and I have 500 gems? Sold! Because a compass is something I can use to finish a hero I already have, vs. chasing a hero that I might never actually get. Bird in the hand, and all.

Unfortunately, most of the guaranteed ascension mats are tied into big direct cash purchases… or, they’re unguaranteed ascension mats in lootboxes that are cleverly disguised as guaranteed ascension mats (be sure to read the fine print where it says “get at least 2 of the following”… assume that you are probably not going to get a compass and mystic rings; more likely, you are going to get an adventurer’s pack and a pair of tall boots). :laughing:


This is great advice if you plan on playing this game for any length of time.

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14 tomes and 2 dam blades here. V random!

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There are 2 Farholme Pass quests a month approximately. One rewards you a Damascus Blade and one rewards you a Tome. Thus, you have the basic materials to do one 5* hero every 4 to 5 weeks as long as you have the other ascension materials needed. Good luck and good gaming! :wink:

This is not correct. There are seven rare quests, and the quests occur about eight days apart on average. Two of those seven quests are Farholme Pass.

So you get the mats every eight weeks, not every four to five.

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Thanks for the correction. My quick glance at the past calendar was off by a few weeks. It appeared to be more frequent. :wink:


Welcome to the club. I have been playing for 609 days, and you can clearly see the disparity between the amount of D Blades I received (18 in total), compared to the amount of other 4 star items I have received from the game.

The only answer is, that we are just plain unlucky. In fact, we are not the only ones. There would be lots of other players who would be lacking something other (say Tome of Tactics) while getting a lot of the other items. It’s just how RNG works, and we have to be patient with it. You are doing everything right in your power, but there are some things that we just can’t control. I just wish that you get plenty of D blades in the future. :slight_smile:


You can play a game but you can’t truly have fun in a game until you can put it all in a spreadsheet and make a pie chart.

And for reference, the pie chart is the greatest of all charts.


Mmmmm… Pie… Something something…