Damage Calulation Stones and Buffs

The 675 is just the number I’ve get by trial and error, to get your tile damage to 3600.
Probably wrong, as @ThePirateKing indicated. Also, as of now, I realize, that you should be hitting red titan, otherwise why a blue stack. So, damage is doubled. I’ve done some recalc, based on that, assumption of 900 defense and putting a θ (random coefficient). Definitely, some kind of cap is active, because mean values are kinda higher, that you observed

Hero kirill frida sonya magni wu kirill frida grimm miki sonya
Troop 4c1 3c3 3c3 4c13 4c12 4c12 4m7 4m6 4m1 3c1
Troop percentage 13 14 14 16 16 19 19 17 13
Base attack 656 733 607 793 656 733 716 712 607
Attack with troops 741 835 691 919 760 872 852 833 685
Attack with troops and buff 2334 2630 2176 2894 1976 2267 2215 2165 1781
Attack sum 10034 10404
Target base def 900 900
Target def debuffed after frida 414 414
Tile damage 2440 2563
Target def debuffed after frida and grimm 414 273
Tile damage low θ=0.6065 1255 2312
Tile damage high θ=1.6487 4842 8921
Doubled (vs a red titan) 2510 4624
9684 17842

As for a play tool - I don’t think there is such a thing. There are cards of 3.60 of 4* and 3.70 of 5*, but not exact stats on each lvl.


Thanks for that, i will upload 2 videos of us when we get the next red titan :slight_smile: