I was really enjoying raids with the last advice I got on the forums and then: Counter attacks… No change of winning at all… Am done…
Says it all while remaining cryptic…do you work for SG, @Phoenix13 ?
Hi Phoneix,
Counter-attacks are annoying indeed to deal with. The best way to deal with these heroes is to get some dispellers. Do you have Sonya, Caedmon, Melendor or Sabina? If not, then what about your 3 star heroes? Do you have Tyrum, Belith, or Mnesseus?
If no, then worry not! The above 3 star heroes can be grabbed pretty regularly, and chances are you’ll get some in the coming future. My advice, save up 300 gems and try for green elemental summon, if you’ll notice that’s where you may get Belith, Caedmon, or Melendor.
DaveCozy beat me to the punch, but I’ll finish my thought.
It sounds like you are having trouble winning against teams with a counterattacker like Boril or Cyprian. Been there, and it sucks. The secret is having a good dispeller or three, and fortunately, the game has several good ones. In three-star, you could go with classic heroes Tyrum or Belith, or Mnesseus, who is only available through the Atlantis portal. In four-star, you could get healer-dispellers Sabina and/or Melendor (I use both at the same time) or sniper-dispellers Caedmon and or Sonya. That’s a lot of options, and if you don’t have one of them, hopefully you will soon. If you use a sniper dispeller - again, that’s Tyrum, Mnesseus, Caedmon, and Sonya - make sure to target a hero that isn’t affected by riposte (counterattack). The dispel goes to all enemies, regardless of who you target, but if you target an enemy covered by riposte, you’re going to have to bear the brunt of a counterattack from that strike. It may even be enough to kill the dispeller. Good luck.
A tad paranoid are we.?
Hi, I do have Belith and Tyrum. Did not do me anygood to be honest. Did not stand a chance. I have the gems but I am reluctant to us them to try and get a hero that will help me with it. I was thinking to save my gems for a 10 pull
My Cyprian has just read this and told me “lol”. Now seriously, counterattcks are very useful when you have to handle with stronger enemies. Nothing is perfect and there is no hero which fits in the 100% of cases. If you don’t use a dispeller against Boril/Cyprian, it’s game over if you didn’t kill them before they activate riposte.
Handling with counterattcks is not that hard, usually 1 dispeller is enough if you move the tiles properly
That’s a good idea to save up your gems. It’s hard to get past good 4 star teams with 3 stars, at a certain point the gap really becomes clear with them. If the team is significantly stronger, a risky but sometimes successful thing you can do is stack heroes of the strong color against the counter-attack hero. Hit with the dispeller first, and then unleash as many tiles of the strong color on them.
The downside to this is that it takes luck to pull it off.