☀ Costumed Azmia – Season 5 Costume – 4* Ice / Blue: Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback

New Season 5 Costume is Released: Costumed Azmia

This thread is for discussing strategy related to Costumed Azmia, as well as your thoughts on Costumed Azmia.

Costumed Azmia

Rarity Element Class Mana Speed Mana CB
Level Attack Defense Health

+1 Costume
+1 Costume
+1 Costume
Origin Family
Season 5 Sun
Image Aether Power Description
special-armor Special Armor At the start of each battle, this Hero gets +40% defense against Special Skills for 6 turns.
In battles with multiple waves, the effect is refreshed at the beginning of each wave.
:hourglass: Ability: Effects on Special Skill
60% chance to perform the following actions when this character casts their Special Skill
- Boosts health of all allies by 10%. Boosted health can exceed max HP.
- Cleanses the latest cleansable status ailment from all allies.
:hourglass: Ability: Guaranteed Effect on Special Skill
When this character casts their Special Skill that grant extra effect on cast are guaranteed to activate.
:hourglass: Ability: Health Recover on Buff Received
This character recovers 5% HP when they receive a buff or positive stack.
:dizzy: Special Skill: Dance Stance
  • Recovers 10% health for all allies.
  • The caster and nearby allies counterattack with 110% of the damage received for 4 turns. The damage of the counterattack increases by +5% with each counterattack, maxing out at 135%.

All-in-one still under construction. Card image to be added when available.

:hugs: Family Bonus

Heroes become stronger when teamed with other unique Heroes of the same family.

Sun Family

Bonus for 1 / 2 Heroes:

  • 50% / 75% chance to make a cast -35% accurancy for 2 turns and X Burn damage over 2 turns on an enemy who deals Special Skill damage to this character.
  • If the enemy’s Special Skill defeats this character, the chance is 75% / 100%
    (X = 196 for Legendary Heroes, 142 for Epic Heroes, 114 for Rare Heroes)

:test_tube: Changes from Beta

Beta Information: Not Available

:thought_balloon: What do you think of Costumed Azmia ?

This thread is for thoughts and discussion on Costumed Azmia.

Based on preferences Forum members have expressed, please try to stick mainly to Costumed Azmia and not wander off topic too much to other heroes.

Some Popular Questions for Discussion

  • Is Costumed Azmia worth summoning for?

  • Would you use Costumed Azmia on Defense? Offense? War? Quests/Events? Titans?

  • Which heroes on your Roster best pair with Costumed Azmia ?

  • What heroes would you take when facing Costumed Azmia as an opponent?

  • Would you give Costumed Azmia Cleric Emblems? Which Talent Grid path will you choose?

  • What do you think of special?

  • What do you think of Costumed Azmia’s character design?

  • If you Summoned Costumed Azmia and would like to post your results, please include some thoughts on why you Summoned Costumed Azmia, and whether/how you plan to make use of them.*

*NOTE: Summon Results posted without any commentary/feedback at all should be flagged as Off Topic and removed, based on preferences expressed by the Forum community. Please include some comments about what you think of Costumed Azmia when posting Summon Results. In addition to opinions about Costumed Azmia, you are also encouraged to include how many Summons it took before receiving Costumed Azmia (or how many Summons you’ve done without receiving Costumed Azmia), so other players are presented with realistic experiences of the rarity of Epic Event Hero.

:money_with_wings: Avoiding Overspending & Heartache :broken_heart:

More Insights & Reading

I highly recommend reading these three threads for more information and context on summoning odds:

If you’ve read them a million times before, you may consider reading them again before deciding on your budget for summoning. A little time spent deciding on how much money you want to risk on summoning goes a long way to avoiding disappointment, frustration, and regret later. :slight_smile:

:thinking: Wondering About Your Personal Situation?

Feel free to discuss your team and roster here, and ask for advice from other Forum members.

If you’d like more extensive advice on sorting out your particular roster, I recommend creating a new thread in Gameplay Help & Tactics, and posting screenshots of your hero roster, along with your questions.

:link: Related Threads You May Be Interested In


Feedback Poll - Costumed Azmia (post release)

:question: Is Costumed Azmia worth Summoning For?

  • Yes, absolutely
  • Only if you’re P2P
  • Yes, but only when featured.
  • Not really
  • Not at all
0 voters

:question: How many copies of Costumed Azmia would be useful to keep & Level?

Note - this is roster space dependent & isn’t the same for everyone!

  • Zero
  • Just one
  • 2
  • 3
  • All of them
0 voters

:question: What do you think Costumed Azmia’s Primary Purpose is?

  • Healer (Immediate)
  • Counterattack Buffer
0 voters

:question: What do you think of Costumed Azmia compared to other Heroes?

  • Over Powered (OP)
  • Little stronger than Most
  • On Par with Most
  • Little Weaker than Most
  • Completely Broken (Under Powered)
0 voters

:question: How does Costumed Azmia’s Special Skill and Intended Purpose match his Base Stats?

Note this means Costumed Azmia’s Class, Attack, Defence & HP Stat

  • Perfectly
  • Better than Most
  • On Par with Most
  • Worse than Most
  • Terribly
0 voters

:question: What do you think which version of Azmia is better ?

  • Normal Azmia
  • Costumed Azmia
0 voters

:question: Is Costumed Azmia worth giving Monk Emblems to the original hero?

  • Yes absolutely
  • Yes, but only if you don’t have a 5* Option
  • Yes, but only if you’re focusing on 4* Heroes/ Events
  • Hmmmm, not sure yet
  • No, I don’t think so.
  • No… Not at all.
0 voters

:question: In Defence, where do you think Costumed Azmia is best used?

Note, as a 4* hero, please consider with this question up-and-coming players not just end-game players (where 5* heroes are a luxury not a given).

  • Left Wing
  • Left Flank
  • Tank
  • Right Flank
  • Right Wing
  • Not on defence at all.
0 voters

:question: How do you think Costumed Azmia is best used?

  • PvP Raids/ War attack
  • Normal Defence
  • War Defence
  • Titans
  • Farming
  • Tournaments
  • Event Teams
0 voters
Choose up to 3 options

:question: What do you think is Costumed Azmia worth Limit Breaking ?

  • Yes, but only once
  • Yes, twice
  • No
0 voters

:question: If you would emblem Costumed Azmia then which Emblem Path would you select ?

  • Sword path
    (Selecting Attack talent nodes when possible)
  • Shield path
    (Selecting Health and Shield talent nodes when possible)
0 voters

:question: What do you think about the artwork ?

  • Amazing
  • Refreshingly new
  • It’s ok
  • It could be better
  • Very bad
0 voters

I’m sorry, but what is this garbage heal? 10% for a 4* hero from s5 is abysmal!


Well, the base hero was just 15% too. She is basically just a counterattack hero with a little heal as a bonus. Base hero was the same and this costume just makes her better at counterattacking.


Which is kinda my point. They could have made her a team wide healer and taken the counterattack away or given her the counterattack that boosts mana so she can fire faster. In her current state, she is plain terrible.

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They gave up on trying to make costumes new and interesting and make them a straight up buff if the OG was terrible (but only sometime) and terrible if the OG was good so they would only be used for the costume bonus.


I have just enabled the polls for this costume.

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Could someone supply the Fancy Name / Title for the new costume ? TIA

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Did you check my data vault?! It should be in there.
EDIT: not yet, will update it tonight.


Hardly saw her anymore and with new releases I didn’t have reasons to use her. She needed some kind of something. I’m happy for the buff, annoyed I had to pull again to get it.

Pull #9


Thanks, appreciated - as always. :superhero: :crystal_ball:
Out of interest, what time-zone are you in (if you don’t mind sharing) ? Asking as I need Meresanhk also.

And many thanks to @L33tVortex12596 too :smiley:


Uh, 5% less healing and 5% more counterattack damage? I would rather have it the other way around. If Azmia healed a bit more, maybe she could be relevant in modern 4* tournaments.


Unfortunately most 4 star heroes that are not toons have become irrelevant lately. Azmia is one of those that got left behind. I do like her, but the original is way better than the costume and the costume bonus for 4 stars in S5 is pathetic, so this is not going to bring her back to see a lot of action. In my case well I am not even going to try pulling for that costume.


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5% less healing, but 100% chance for 10% health boost and cleansing latest ailment, as per her passive. So at the end there is a slight benefit of using the costume :wink:

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you do also get the passive on the OG as well :smiley: and I would most likely still prefer to use the base version

For whatever reason it just doesn’t show on the base version in the portal…


You do get with basically 1 in 2 chance :slight_smile:

100% counterattack + 15% recovered health and maybe (50/50) 10% health boost and latest ailment cleansed


110% counterattack + 10% recovered health + 10% health boost + ailment cleansed + she recovers 5% health on positive buff.

What is better?

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If you really get all with base version, so no doubt that is a better version :slight_smile:

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I would say the costume is far better due to the 100% chance of activating the passives

As mentioned above and based on my screenshot, the base version also has a 100% chance of activating the passives, so long as you have the costume for them …

Just for your awareness, this isn’t a new thing, and not including the passives on the base card as shown in the portal has been there since they first added “costume-connected”-passives to the pirate family heroes :smiley:

My copy on the left, portal on the right :+1: