I just pulled Horghall costume but I’m also feeding my second Kingston. I have a lot of green 5* such as Telli, Kingston, Evelyn, Lady Locke, Greg, and Kianna all maxed and 4 with 20 emblems. So. A second Kingston is not a big deal but Horghall costume looking like a great tank. Someone said he’s hard to stop than Telli? I’m looking for a few opinions here on who to max?
Horghall is a really tough sell for me. Snipers are always useful but I’d wait for another Green. If you have plenty of tonics, another Kingston would suit you better.
Nope. He may be useful for VF tournaments. Also having the mana costume bonus for him could help.
I’m still yet to me impressed with Horghall, tho. I’d do another Kingston or wait for somebody else until xmas.
Horghall is firewood, nothing more. Definite tonic regret if you spend them there
A second Kingston would be handy, but if you have only six or so tonics and/or do lots of pulls, you may want to wait to see if you get something else? Still, Kingston is top tier really
Absolutely - Kingston. Already have Horgall - not use him.
Second Kingston for sure. Horghall was my 2nd 5* when I first started playing the game so that’s why he was leveled. I still find uses for him, but barely.
I don’t know who said that, but personally I disagree
With costume he is a good tank though, I’d say high tier personally but not top.
If you really, reeaally need a tank then he is fine. He’ll hold you in diamond and he isn’t easy to take down either, as many players seem to expect. I’ve lost my fair share against cHorghall tanks in Alliance Wars, due to underestimating his -54% attack debuff – it is very devastating and makes it very tough to hammer him and his team with match damage if you don’t address the debuff.
But he’s no Telluria either. I wouldn’t rank him higher than say Gravemaker tanks – doesn’t mean he’s bad (in fact I’d say that’s still quite good) but it does mean that if you have better options, you should be using them. That’s just me.
If it was my roster, I’d go with a second Kingston.
I will second Dave opinion and highlight the fact you already have Telluria for tanking proposes. So the only use i can see for Horghall acording your roster is in VF tournaments.
On the other hand Kingston will strengh your war depth , your offensive and second or third green team.
Costumed Horghall gets more grief than he deserves. He has an insane 54% attack reduction that lasts a long time. If you fire him you turn the opponents attackers into 3* hitters essentially for slash attacks and specials. I personally like him and would max him if I got his costume. I plowed through +20 Tellurias in my last war but lost to a +20 Horghall tanked team. Maybe that was a fluke, but he’s no joke.
This is what I was thinking too. Negative 54% attack for 6 rounds is crazy helpful.
the only reason you’d go for groot first is if you wanted to compete in rush tournaments. not necessarily a bad reason to do things but not as great as going to war and crushing it with a pair of kingston…
Groots attack debuff is too easy to flip. We’ve had months now to build teams to handle GTV teams. Red cleansers are hard to come by but everyone has a couple Boldtusk on the bench.
Second Kingston or wait would be my choice.
Season 3 have some nice Green 5* heroes. I think I will wait to see if I get one. Thanks everyone for your input.
Kingston 2 is definitely the choice here, but Groot is better than most think. He is more useful as offensive than defensive. As the attacker, his attack ailment is easy to put to good use (assuming you can fire it).
Costume Horghall is rated B+ on Anchors and actually with Mana Troop Lv 23 and 8th mana node he may become average if my calculations are correct. In that case -54% attack may be more than a mild annoyance. Also helps there is not that as stiff competition for Druid emblems.
Still, I would ascend 2nd Kingston. I just got Costumed Horghall last event I’m trying to convince myself mostly that he is not as terrible.