These are all in the pipeline and I have mats for my first rainbow 5* squad. My thinking is: BK to boost attack and taunt, Ariel to heal and keep mana flowing, Kingston to snipe and debuff attack to prolong BK, Neith to disrupt enemy with mana cut and also prolong BK by blinding so his attack buff can stay up and running, and Jabber to “put the squeeze on”. It seems like Jabbers nondispellable poison will benefit from BK’s buff too, which is a nice bonus.
Anyways, this feels like a good synergy to me but I was curious to get some feedback from other players :). Thanks!
Looks awesome! I’d probably switch places both for Neith/Ariel and Kingston/Jabber. Neith definitely needs to be at flank. Hopefully BK can drag it out long enough for her to fire, and if she does then chances increase Ariel gets rolling too.
I did do a little chasing in Wonderland, mostly to no avail, despite a number of Neiths lol. Popped in for a final 10x and landed Jabber who was the one I really wanted all along. Plus I’ve got 6 tabbards just for him. Quite the interesting hero with strong balanced stats. I’d like to get the 4* guardians, otherwise I’m quite content with my current roster!
I’m flush with blues: Finley, Misandra, Miki, King Arthur, Isarnia, Thorne. Probably in that order too lol. Finley will likely be my next blue but Ariel seems to be the best healer so I made her my priority.
For yellow I’ve only got Vivica. Hoped for Rabbit but it wasn’t meant to be. Edit: @Kitten, forgot I also had Leo and Justice lol.
Finley is awesome, but so is Ariel. I reckon you’re doing the right choice raising her first if you don’t have other maxed 5* healers (or a blinged up Rigard). And even if you do, well. She’s top notch.
Yeah mine too… lots and lots of $$$ in that lineup for sure.
I’m level 46 and have rushed heroes instead of troops (my highest are lvl15), but even so… just upgrading the barracks takes ages and lots of iron, not to speak of the amount of troop pulls and ham has gone into that. I choose to view it as dedication…
Did not beat it, went purple on it as trying out them on all sorts of tanks. First try I could’ve won though, but was recording to show the new heroes and let them go off. Second and third… well let’s just say Finley is my natural enemy (I stack hotms… ouch).
The middle is excellent, but I see a problem for the left wing. Neith is awful in defense. I’ve just completed my heroes chest and I met her again, as flank, TP 4400+. I didn’t even have a good board (average at best) and Neith didn’t get to fire. For one, I do not like average flanks. Fast and lethal as King, oh yeah… And if my opponent’s flank didn’t get to fire with an average board, needles to say Neith as wing = wasted hero. Your problem is even more important than this. If you have Joon, is also problematic because you already have a monk in your line-up. Of course, this would be easily solved with Seshat as purple, being also one of the best wings in the game. But I don’t know if you own her. Well, if I were you I hardly could take a decision myself. But I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t set as wing a hero like Neith. I am the adept for the fast and lethal defenses, which punish the attacker in several turns, if doesn’t have the tiles (mine has 4 fast heroes + 1 very fast). Like I said, I like your centre, but I’d like to see what other 5* heroes you have. I’m also the adept for rainbow defenses, but may be circumstances where the hero and the class is more important than the colour, especially if is wing.
Thanks for your detailed feedback! She wouldn’t be my first choice, but seemed best of my 5* yellow options so it forced my hand. Ariel is a much better healer than Viv and her mana boost ups the chance to punish.
I’m sad to say I don’t have Seshat as she was the HOTM when I first started playing before I even knew what a HOTM even was. She is excellent and I wish I had her.
What a roster… Wow. Well, your ranger should be Finley for such many reasons. First of all, is much better than Neith. Second, he’s a nightmarish wing. His special is designed for this. To fire just in time to steal whatever buffs the opponents have. And he is fast! I wouldn’t have a second thought. Ranger, fighter, barbarian, cleric and monk. Until a better yellow would come. The way you spend the money, this will happen soon
P.S. If you had the rabbit, would have been a hell of a team: Finley, King, BK, rabbit and Jab.
Remember … any of those teams will easily hold you in diamond … so you will always be opening diamond raid chests.
So it depends what more you want beyond that? I think you only need a stellar defence team if you want to push for Top 100 regularly … that’s fine if you like that … but doesn’t give you any better rewards.
@Scarecrow post might entice you to do more Wonderland pulls for Rabbit. That could be an expensive and fruitless endeavour!
Finley, King, BK, rabbit and Jab would indeed be awesome. But with no Rabbit you could always try Neith or Viv there.
So many choices eh. Dilemma after dilemma. Thats why this is such a great game!
Oh my goodness. You have enough work for 6 months! And not a lot of depth yet.
As was just mentioned, you raid d isn’t that interesting. Don’t choose what to raise based on that. This game is mostly about offense, and for that you need depth and synergies. Only d that matters will be your war ditto.
If I were you I’d take some time now for consolidation, maxing more 4s and finishing everything you’ve started, bringing some 5s to 3.70 to make informed choices etc.
Yeah I would never emblem Neith especially since I have Finley. My reason for leveling Ariel as my blue is I think she is the best healer in the game. Finley is excellent, but a healer like Ariel seems more valuable at my stage in the game.
Essentially, I have mats for a rainbow 5* team. I don’t care too much about defense team, but since I’m leveling a rainbow team that seemed like a good way to ask for feedback. However, those are the 5 heroes I would choose regardless, I think. They are strong and have excellent utility across raids/titans/challenges etc.
Are you suggesting I level Finley before Ariel? My 2nd blue/green 5* will likely be Finley and Lady of the Lake, if that gives you anymore information.
Not going to continue to spend. I just wanted some choices and now I take my time to level them and enjoy what I have. The 4* Guardians and Hansel are all I care to add so these will likely be my yellows for a while
Yeah I don’t care too much about raiding to the top, especially this early in the game for me. Those heroes just largely felt like my best choices in each color, and ones that would be useful across all aspects of the game, which is the most valuable point of consideration for me.
I would love to do more pulls for Rabbit, but chasing a single event hero is a recipe for deep and expensive disappointment lol. I’m just happy I managed Jabberwock, because even that was a total long shot. I’m no whale, maybe more a dolphin or large tuna
Yeah I’d always planned to invest upfront to have choices and then some work to tick away at. That’s just the way I like to do things
Definitely some consolidation to do, I agree. For me, I always want the game to be fun so even if it is more prudent to build 4* depth first, I wanted to push my first rainbow 5* through and then return my focus to (4*) depth.
I chose these heroes not so much for defense as much as them just seeming like my best value in each color. Black Knight being a true tank, which I lack, Kingston being a great utility sniper, Ariel being an exceptional average speed healer, Jabberwock being fun and at fast speed being able to hit both the hardest to reach parts of the board, and well Neith just seeming like my best yellow option lol.
In considering these selections I couldn’t help but to see an interesting synergy, but defense aside, they’re likely the choices I’d make and was curious what other experienced players might say/suggest