Confused again

Hello again,

I think I am beginning to understand how the costumes work. For example: If I want to level up a costume on a hero, I equip the costume and start levelling them up as if I am levelling up a hero, only it costs less, right?

So while I am levelling up hero’s to max, that cost food, I also need food to level up the costumes. I am already struggling with not having enough food because I am also making harpoons. Potions I have given up due to Midnight root. I have 1 advanced food storage at 9. And an advanced farm at 4. I am curious what others have as strategy. I did decide to get a VIP this month.


Hi @Phoenix27. Lack of food is a common issue and becomes a bottleneck for a lot of things. A couple of strategies I use to get extra food are:

  1. raid to fill food. it’s not fast but if you raid in the evenings you can catch people with full food in their towers and get more per battle.
  2. when food is plentiful set extra trainings in your training camps. I use TC11 a lot and have like 50 days worth of trainings going on. That way when needed I can reduce some of the trainings and gain some of the food back. Then add trainings when food is more plentiful. It’s called food banking and works with recruits too.
  3. the last is completing chests and POV challenges that give you food as a reward. Mission chests often give you big drops of food. POV gives food crates that you can store and use later in times of need. Also POV gives a food harvester relic that will help get more food on season 1 levels.

None of these options are complete solutions. Food will always be a scarce resource since so many things need a lot of food. But these have helped me to stretch my resources further.


To get max benefit, you have to level up both the hero and the costume. The costume levels up quicker than the hero itself. Costumes level up even quicker if you use other duplicate costumes to level them (don’t worry about feeding duplicate costumes! you only need 1 copy of each costume, even if you have multiple duplicates of that hero).

You cannot ascend a costume until the hero itself is ascended to the same level.

Once the costume and hero have both reached max level, your hero stats for both the costumed version and the original version will be boosted. You can then switch between them any time you want.

Also, once you max out a hero and costume, you can only put emblems on the original hero, not the costumed version. For example: even though costumed Lianna is a cleric, original Lianna is a ranger, so you will have to level up original Lianna using ranger emblems (you can’t apply cleric emblems to the costumed version). Whatever number of emblems you give to the original hero will automatically transfer over when you switch to the costumed version, only in this case, costumed Lianna will have cleric emblem skills instead of ranger emblem skills.

As for food, I have all farms maxed. It’s still easy to run out of food if you’re using a lot of it (i.e., leveling up a lot of heroes at once, researching new items, crafting higher end items, etc.)… my strategy regarding food is to just try to not spend it all at once. If I’m running low, I might hold off on crafting items that day.


The higher you level your food storage, the more food you get from chests, titans etc. I make an effort to fill as many chests as possible everyday, mostly for food :slightly_smiling_face:

I can’t raid. I really did try but it is not for me. My TC11 is at 48 days and I have a TC13 always running. I try to POV as much as I can.

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Plenty of folks available to help you pick teams to try for raids. :slight_smile:

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Hi @Phoenix27; have a read of the Costume FAQs. They answer most every question about costumes


@Math4lyfe, I simply to not like going up against others in games. I only do the wars because I am in an Alliance and I like the people there. If there is a solo option in games I always go for that. It is just how I am wired.


@Guvnor, Thanks I did read it. It is still mind boggling. It will eventually sink it:)

That’s fair. No worries :slight_smile: it’s a game and suppose to be fun. So play it as you see fit. :hugs::hugs:


@Phoenix27 you might want to support this suggestion.


That is a nice thought but I question if it will ever become reality. The fact that I dislike raids however, is not the game designers problem. It is mine. I either get over it and get into raiding or I don’t raid.I don’t expect game designers to take my feelings into consideration, nor do I feel entitled to certain things in game.That is what toddlers do. Stamping their feet because they do not get what they want. I enjoy the game in most aspects, putting up with war is just something I have to do, same as in real life. Sometimes you have to do something you do not like. Now and again I try raids, I win a few and loose more, then I don’t attempt it for a few months. I enjoy most things when playing. Sometimes I want things faster than it allows, such is life, such is game life. I suck it up , and accept feeling annoyed and move on.


Wow what a refreshingly positive attitude! Are you sure you’re in the right forums here :rofl: ?

(PS Please don’t leave)

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@nevarmaor; I won’t leave. Too addicted and love the forums and the info and nice people who reply and give advice. With Corona and the lockdown and being in the risk group, it is a very very welcome distraction.


To expand on this: you want to have a TC20 and a TC11 running in parallel if you want to bank food.

When you have extra food, remove 50 TC11 trainings and add one TC20. This operation is recruit-neutral and costs about 225k food.

When you want to retrieve your food stock, remove TC20 runs and slot the recruits back into TC11 for a 225k food boost per TC20 run.

Doing this with just a TC11, you will hit your recruit limit and be unable to remove any further trainings.

I am out of likes for the day… else I’d give all my likes just to this one comment of yours if possible.Such a mature perspective! Kudos to you!

As @nevarmaor already said, please please don’t leave the forums. The forum needs people like you. :innocent:


@Eldente; I have a TC11 that is on 48 days and a TC20 on 8 days. Also have TC13 running. The last TC I have is at TC9. Sometimes I remove some TC11 trainings when I really need it but not often. I am thinking of levelling my TC9 to TC11, if that makes sense. I did think about stopping to use TC20 for a bit to concentrate on the heroes I have to level, and the costumes I want on them. When I get a new hero, I feel like dropping the one I am working on and starting the new one. It is such a thrill to get a new hero. Still hoping for a Rigard, or another healer.


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@Phoenix27 :hugs:

Regarding costumes, yes - they are easier to level. Couple of caveats:

  • Costume can’t be levelled beyond the current tier of the base hero. So, make sure to max both the hero and his/her costume

  • Even if the costume doesn’t provide interesting specials and you don’t decide to use the costume, still level it - as long as the base hero is someone you use frequently. A completely levelled costume boosts the atk, def, and hp stats of the base hero.

Regarding food, I believe there are enough suggestions given above already. I like @DBC’s advice. Straightforward and effective :

  • Also, try to max out that watchtower when you get the time to. A maxed watchtower provides resources slightly more than 2 farms and 2 mines (if I remember correctly)

  • May be hold off on the harpoons for a bit till you get your resource production thingies in place, maybe? This is up to you as I don’t know the level of titans you’re fighting and how much your alliance members contribute to hitting the titan.

Regarding Raids, I totally get what you’re saying. I used to be like that. I never liked the PvP aspect of any game. But slowly and steadily, I started liking it as my view towards it shifted more from attacking another player to bettering my game skills. (And this is not just in this game, pretty much any game I play online, the perspective I try to maintain for PvP is that it’s a better alternative to the not-so-smart AI. :slight_smile:)Now, raids are a favorite part of this game for me because they give me an opportunity to test out all my ridiculous ideas. :smiley:
However, I totally understand and support your stance if you do decide to let go of raids for the foreseeable future.

Hope this helps. :slight_smile:

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@CaptainjaKCsparrow; The only hero that has a costume and is not levelled is Renfeld. I have Li and LJ’s costume to level. The rest are 3* like Bane, Brienne and Belith. Hawkmoon and Gunnar costumes are levelled. I think, before I am going to level up Drake/Gregorion, I will level up the costumes on Li and JL first so that is out of the way. My max tower is being levelled as we speak. Forgot what level I am at. The harpoons I am putting on a hold, I am not doing too bad on the titans without the harpoons. As for raids, I struggle with what hero to use. So far I just ‘wing’ things, in wars and hope for the best. I squint my eyes in wars when specials are being used on me and hope I am still alive when I open them again:)