Coming back after a long stop : are my heroes still good?

Hello all,

Thanks a lot by advance for your help. I’ve stopped playing E&P for a quite long time, and had recently the will to come back. I remember my heroes were quite good when I quit, but are they still now ? The game must have evolved a lot, maybe all my heroes are trash now. Can some of you look at my heroes list and tell me if they are any good ? If some effective teams can be made with them ? If some heroes need to be worked ? Or any advice you can give me…

Thanks !!

I’d level first 2nd then 3rd. Feed colour to colour.
Red - hawkmoon namage azlar
Blue - gato valen gunner
Green - brienne mnusses belith
Purple - tyrum chochin balathzar
Yellow - bane melina ganju

That be a good start that’s what I would do.


Nah. You haven’t missed a beat.

The first screenshot isn’t showing. These are (what I think are) the best heroes I’ve got :

Maybe it will change your advices :slight_smile:

Yes all of these are still valid. The only one I wouldn’t bother too much with would be Hu Tao.
For your 3 star go with what @Dudeious.Maximus said.
Your other 4 star I would go with Tiburtus, Sonya and Scarlett to start with.
And your 5 star Evelyn is a must.
When the costume chamber comes round again in August give it a try
Welcome back and good luck


You still have some really good heroes. Welcome back!

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Sooooo many good partially leveled heroes!

It won’t take long to get quite a few up to max and kicking bottoms.

Welcome back, telly vela will be warm welcoming you.

Regarding ur question, yes 4* still valid, but for 5* the competition has become so high

Yes, they are.

I recommend finishing off your team 1 4* heroes:
Rigard, Wilbur, Wu Kong, Buddy and Grimm are definitely very good at worst. maxing them all will help. You will want to hope for Rigard’s costume in the Costume event.

I mostly agree with the 3* order, although I’d pick Belith over Mnessus & Brienne for Green, as you lack costumes.

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