I’m giving emblems to Colen costume and I can’t decide if I should pick the 2% mana node or the 2% critical chance node. And overall, how relevant are mana nodes for slow heroes? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
Edit: I use him in challenge events, tourneys, raids, and wars, but not on titans. Hopefully I’ll outgrow using him in raids and wars and he’ll be limited to challenge events and tourneys. It’s probably far down the road though, as I’m pretty unlucky with red 5*.
I don’t see the value. Slow heroes need 10% mana boost to get to 11 tiles. 5% can come from costume and 5% from a level 1 mana troop. 2% puts you in no man’s land. Maybe you have some other hero and troop that can get you to ten tiles as well but 2% seems unnecessary to me.
Thank you for your reply!
No, my mana troops are still at a pretty low level (6-9), but I started working on them as I currently have a consistent excess of food. I also only have a single red mana troop I’d rather use on cb Boldtusk.
I was wondering if these 2% might help me speed him up with a lower level mana troop (that I don’t have yet ), but also if a 2% critical chance is really relevant. Both nodes seem unappealing, I’m just trying to find out which one is the least underwhelming.
With costume you can get it to 10 tiles.
For that you need 20%.
That’s 5% from costume bonus and 15% from other sources.
Either manatroop lvl 29 or manatroop lvl 23 +2% mana from talents or manatroop lvl 17 +4% from talents.
So in your case if you have a lvl 23 manatroop and are willing to give it colen than those 2% can help.
In all other cases not really, but on the other hand the crit node is also hardly useful…
Well damn, it’ll take me months - if not years - for it to be useful. I’m far away from having a lvl 23 mana troop and if I had any, I’d probably use it on an average speed hero.
On the other hand, I don’t think I’ll ever level up a mana troop past lvl 23, so these 2% might actually come in handy at some point. Sounds like I have some thinking to do.
Thanks, appreciate the help!
While my Colen costume is parked at +18 emblem, Only Ferrant is higher… I am sure that if I decide to take him forward, I will chose the critical node & not mana node, for reasons explained above.
Crit 2% increase is more useful.
To speed C. Colen up, I prefer to use Lancelot / other mana boosters, during events… where I mainly use him.
Rare moments, I use him for tile damage in a war clean.