CAriel or Misty?

Pulled Misty 3 days ago (1st 5* blue healer!) then I just pulled Ariel with costume from Atlantis (wanted her since she first launched!)

I have scopes for both but only 1600 cleric emblems and don’t want to take any from other heroes. Misty is fast and has a nice passive. Ariel has way more healing and cleanses.

I’m finishing Loki this week. Ariel or Misty next?

C Ariel…by a mile…and then some!

Yeah, C Ariel is my choice too.

From pure stats point misty. But c Ariel will be my choice as her mana buff, cleanse and over heal is what can help in every aspect of the game.

C Ariel - she does 3 very important things in the game - clean all ailments, boosts mana, and health!

I had similar problem C Ariel vs Thanatos and went with Ariel because of cleanse :wink:

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