Hello folks!
I now got 16 tabards so I guess its about time to level my first purple 5*. I only have two, and those are Domitia and Thoth-Amun. I guess they kinda fit in the same category, and therefore it’s the same when it comes to team synergy.
Thank you.
You have tabards for almost 3 heroes and I don’t understand why you didn’t level one. Unless you are pretty new in the game and you did good focusing on 4* heroes first, for missions and quests. As for your purples, fast hotm > average classic, clearly And as I’ve learned recently, the minion of a talented Toth-Amun, also has the ability to drop mana generation to 50% for 2 turns, every single turn.
Thank you for your answer! I focused on building a steady team of 4* first, and then I was caught up in leveling other 5*. So i’ve been postponing leveling purple 5* for a while, but I guess its about time now.
Indeed. But I must say, you have so many tabards like a veteran player
I’ve been playing for over a year, and I guess I have been lucky with so many tabards dropping. But at the same time, those are the one I needed the least.
I am not a fan of Thoth and I can hardly find someone who is. I wouldn’t level him ever. He’s fast, ok, but he’s only 215%. That may be not enough to secure a kill in almost every situation. Domitia is average, but at least she hurts + the dispell is situationally useful as well. The minion’s usefulness is comparable to the holy def buff - which is not really a factor to convince me either way.
Both are not great heroes, so I can see why you decided to wait. I’d take Domitia. She may also be getting a costume at some point. I don’t think you will be happy with Thoth. He’s terrible and useless.
Thank you for your in depth answer. I totally agree with you and I guess I will end up leveling Domitia.