Calculations of ATK/ DEF %'s etc

I am not sure why I decided to just now ask this and I am going to feel dumb asking and if I missed posts answering i apologize for redundancy. Please just post a link.
When I was picking a Hero from the Fated Summons I noticed Frigg deals 100% damage…100% but my Himeros deals 460% so obviously Friggs 100% damage doesn’t beat the opp. Like Health example is 1253… not 100% of 1253
So what is the % of
Is there detailed info guide explaining all these elements of Heros (i.e. spells, buffs, mana, atk, def %'s, if boosts or regenerations can be made null if they specifically do not say can exceed max hp, if these things cancel each other out can I use flag to boost my attack by 46% in addition heroes that increase attack %