With your help I’ve found a lot of value with the level of detail I’ve been aiming at. I think that it’s a valuable though laborious process for working out troop distribution and priorities for levelling/embleming. As mention, it’s the kind of thing that the game might help players with automatically but we have what we have. (I’m also wondering whether I make more use of crit troops and ninjas with the likes of rangers).
Anyway, here’s my state of play:
My current purple 4* troops are: mana, 23, 11, 5, and 1s, and magic 6 and 1s, (and crit 6) and I think my next priority may be to get to magic 11 and 17.
This on the basis of heroes:
Alfrike. speed Very Slow, 12 tiles at +13% with Mana 17&+11%or Magic 11&+11% (and bonuses: talent +2%), (13 tiles at +4%)
(In this case I think there can be value in using a very slow hero).
Domitia. speed Average, 9 tiles at +12% with Mana 17&+11>10%orMagic 11&+11>10% (and bonuses: talent +2%)
c Rigard. speed Average, 9 tiles at +12% with with Mana 1&+5%orMagic 1&+5% / 8 tiles at +25% with Magic 29&+20>18% (and bonuses: c+5%&talent +2%)
Sartana. speed Fast, 7 tiles at +15% with Mana 23&+13%orMagic 17&+14>13% (and bonuses: talent +2%)
c Sheshat. speed Fast, 7 tiles at +15% with Mana 11&+9>8%orMagic 5&+8% (and bonuses: c+5%&talent +2%)
Turgruk. speed Very Fast, 6 tiles at +9% with Mana 5&+7%orMagic 5&+8>7% (and bonuses: talent +2%)
My current yellow 4* troops are: mana 18, 11, and 1s, (and ninja 12, and 8, I think I may have fed away a… crit) and I think my next priority will be to get the 11 to 17.
This on the basis of heroes:
c Vivica. speed Slow, 11 tiles at +10% with Mana 1&+5>3%orMagic 1&+5>3% / 10 tiles at +20% with Mana 23&+13%orMagic 17&+14>13% (and bonuses: c+5%&talent og-tc +2%, (c1 0%, c2 4%))
Devana. speed Average, 9 tiles at +12% with Mana 17&+11>10%orMagic 11&+11>10% (and bonuses: talent +2%)
Sif. speed Average, 9 tiles at +12% with Mana 17&+11>10%orMagic 11&+11>10% (and bonuses: talent +2%)
c Li Xiu. speed Average, 9 tiles at +12% with Mana 1&+5>3%orMagic 1&+5>3% / 8 tiles at +25% with Magic 23&+17>16% (and bonuses: c+5%&talent og+4%(c1+2%))
Wu Kong. speed Average, 9 tiles at +12% with Mana 11&+9>8%orMagic 5&+8% (and bonuses: talent +4%)
My current blue 4* troops are: mana 23, and 1, (and crit1), and, mana wise, I’m thinking just to hold out on the hope of pulls for Styx or Magic troops (I currently hold 52 ETTs).
This on the basis of few leveled blue heroes:
c Morel. speed Fast, 7 tiles at +15% with Mana 9&+11>8%orMagic 5&+8% (and bonuses: c+5%&talent og+2%)
c Isarnia. speed Slow, 11 tiles at +10% with Mana 1&+5%orMagic 1&+5% / 10 tiles at +20% with Mana 29&+15%orMagic 23&+17>15% (and bonuses: c+3%&talent +2%)
c Boril. speed Average, 9 tiles at +12% with Mana 1&+5%orMagic 1&+5% / 8 tiles at +25% with Magic 29&+20% (and bonuses: c+5%&talent og+2%)
Master Lepus, speed Average, 9 tiles at +12% with Mana 23&+13>12%orMagic &+% (and bonuses: talent +0%(emblem shortage/demand)
Misandra. speed Fast, 7 tiles at +15% with Mana 23&+13%orMagic 17&+14>13% (and bonuses: talent +2%)
My current green 4* troops are: mana, 23, 11, and 1, and (and crit 6) and I think my next priority may be to get the 11 to 17 (I like using Evelyn with Zeline for the legends18 bonus).
This on the basis of heroes:
Grace. speed Fast, 7 tiles at +15% with Mana 17&+11%orMagic 11&+11% (and bonuses: talent +4%)
c Lianna. speed Fast, 7 tiles at +15% with Mana &+%orMagic &+% (and bonuses: talent +0%) need to reset
Zeline. speed Fast, 7 tiles at +15% with Mana 23&+13%orMagic 17&+14>13% (and bonuses: talent +2%)
Gargammal speed Fast, 7 tiles at +15% with Mana 23&+13%orMagic 17&+14>13% (and bonuses: talent +2%)
Kadilen. speed Fast, 7 tiles at +15% with Mana 17&+11%orMagic 11&+11% (and bonuses: talent +4%)
Evelyn. speed Fast, 7 tiles at +15% with Mana 23&+13%orMagic 17&+14>13% (and bonuses: talent +2%)
c Melendor. speed Average, 9 tiles at +12% with Mana 1&+5>3%orMagic 1&+5>3% / 8 tiles at +25% with Magic 29&+20>19% (and bonuses: c+5%&talent og+4%,c+2% )
Little John. speed Slow, 11 tiles at +10% with Mana 11&+9>8%orMagic &+% / 10 tiles at +20% with Magic 29 (and bonuses: talent +2%)
Brynhyld. speed Fast, 7 tiles at +15% with Mana 23&+13%orMagic 17&+14>13% (and bonuses: talent +2%)
My current red 4* troops are: mana, 20, and 1s, and magic 12 and 5, (and crit 1) and I think I’ll revisit this after working on my other colours and emblem redistributions.
This on the basis of heroes:
Blossom. speed Average, 9 tiles at +12% with Mana 17&+11>10%orMagic 11&+11>10% / 8 tiles at +25% (and bonuses: talent +2%)
c Kelile. speed Fast, 7 tiles at +15% with Mana 5&+7>6%orMagic 5&+8>6% (and bonuses: c+5%&talent +4%sorc)
Neema. speed Average, 9 tiles at +12% with Mana 11&+9>8%orMagic 5&+8% / 8 tiles at +25% (and bonuses: talent +4%)
Roughian and Nergib. speed Fast, 7 tiles at +15% with Mana 23&+13%orMagic 17&+14>13% (and bonuses: talent +2%)
Elena. speed Slow, 11 tiles at +10% with Mana 17&+11>8%orMagic 5&+8% / 10 tiles at +20% (and bonuses: talent +2%)
Boldtusk. speed Average, 9 tiles at +12% with Mana 1&+5%orMagic 1&+5% / 8 tiles at +25% with Magic 29&+20>18% (and bonuses: c+5%&talent +2%), speed is
Mitsuko. speed Average, 9 tiles at +12% with Mana 11&+11>8%orMagic 5&+8% (and bonuses: talent +4%)
I’m FtP and food is typically in short supply mainly due to an extensive use of TC20s and HA10.
I’m mainly feeding mid-level troops with 2s saving the 1s for beginning levelers and 3*+ for levels to 30.