Building defense team

Dear Players!

I had great wars till some months ago, now my team is not so efficient and i think it is human error… (me) :slight_smile:

I would appreciate if you help me to make the most efficient def from what i got.

  • our alliance using purple tank and should be rainbow, or one duplication maybe.
    Actual: with bad results:

Hrothgar - Gestalt - Obakan Toon - Cleopatra w/c - Armand Moncharming

Options for colours - listed only LB, emblemed heroes.
Blue: Richard Toon, Nautica
Red: Scoria (Malum, but as ninja, would not do in def)
Purple: Charon, XZJ
Yellow: Scrollbeast , Joon Toon, (Vivica Toon will be started soon now 1/1)
Green: Smarttongue

Can you create a better defense from this? Thank you :slight_smile:

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You shouldn’t play a purple tank. We have a strong player who also only got obakan and he now plays hroth as a tank with greater results. Maybe talk to your team


I’d put in Scrollbeast over Cleo. Don’t need to heal if you have a mega-minion taking the hits for you. I also think revives are over-rated. Dodge is better. Effects that keep you from dying are better than ones that bring you back from the dead.


Yep, purple is my weakest element… up to date dark heroes dont wanna sit on my bench :slight_smile:

People love playing toons in defense, but toon Obakan only gives himself rispote. I’d use the costume that gives counterattack to the heroes next to him too, much more difficult to face.


Purple tanks are outdated in general, and in your case is the worst idea of all of them. Talk to them about more sensible rules? Or just accept that your defense is garbage and tell your boss to put the def together and after that ignore the boring stuff and have fun on offense.
In general for def it depends if you have the right 5star troops for your heroes. If you do, then often the combo of correct troop plus hero is stronger than wrong/no troop plus stronger hero. Of course within reason, but say if you choose between the heroes of your list here, I would say so.
You should definitely double up in blue though, Toon Richard, Nautica and Hrothgar are top notch heroes.
Scoria should have more relevant stats than Gestalt (unless you have that costume) if they are leveled equally. Not sure by how much though.
If you have the leg troop for Toon Viv, she can be an option for tank (nothing else though), without troop I wouldn´t bother with her at all. Cleo would be the better option at avg speed.
XZJ is your best purple but not for tank. You could maybe play her and Oba if they want you to double purple behind a different tank.

Just as an idea: Put a low point def together. That´s what I do since I don´t have the 5 star troops (or meta heroes) for top notch defs anyway. I choose my heroes and troops for attacks not for def. So on def I put heroes with low HP (hitters and a LB1 Hathor haha). Last horde war I only handed out 38 points for a kill, which sometimes keeps strong attackers away and attracts the weaklings. They are forced to OS me and still on get the points others get on a fail, and the fools out there often fail at that lol, even though I only use 4star troops. If strong attackers OS me that´s fine, too, they will be missing a hit on our strong defs and their weaklings will just hit zeroes on our strong defs instead.


I made a mistake, i use obakans mana boost version not the toon. Anyway thanks for the ideas, i will check them step by step. I talk to the leadership about another tank, and i really like @Gargon 's idea about weak def team. :slight_smile: