Buddy or Almur for mono green?

Not lucky enough to have Eve. Every other color defense down especially for multi target is insane so thinking of subbing in Almur for Buddy. Surprised this topic hasn’t been discussed yet. My other 4 greens for offense are Telluria, Kingston, Lianna, Hatter.

Why not Both?

They stack and all.

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Fast vs Average. Higher defense down (when using mono green like you asked). I think Almur is the clear choice.

Using both to stack the defense down is a great strategy but I don’t think I would want to replace one of his 5* heroes on his mono green team.

Almur gives more defense down and is fast speed so I would use: Almur, Telluria, Kingston, Lianna, Hatter.

If we compare Buddy and Hatter, both run at average speed and have similar def/hp but Hatter has over 200 pts higher attack stat and does significantly more damage. I think that’s more important than having double defense down.

Depends whether we’re talking titans on raids, I guess…

Titans - I’d probably drop Telluria and run both of them (personally get better scores without Telly).

Raids? I agree with your lineup.

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I’d run them both ways and decide.

For me, defense down is more powerful than attack up.


Oh yea defintely. I was thinking of raids/war.

For titans, Telluria’s minions hitting take up too much precious time.

Thanks guys yes I was talking raids. Titans I don’t use Telly and will try subbing in both. Also, forgot to mention but Buddy is already as far as I want to go at +19, while Almur will only be +5 (have Ursena at +20 on my D, and Seshat has ranger but I prioritized Buddy first because she’s not on my D). That makes Buddy much much bulkier second only to Telly, but I think you’re right Almur’s fast is still better. I think I will reset Buddy and bring Seshat/Lianna up.

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That and +crit doesn’t help as much as -defence.

And both Telly and Buddy have disgustingly low tile damage.