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thanks again @BoolzSan_CrewKNIGHTS:

well i have all of them… Lianna at 4.80 and Kadilen/Elkanen at 3.70 (but no mats)

not eve - frida- gm - vela- mel to have more chance to have Vela to punch in Fridas elemental def down?

Assuming i take out Mel … no healing at all in defense?
i have mel (in his costume) there to protect (def up) and heal the team to increase chances to have more specials from the rest of the team… if bring in Lianna i’ll have one more heavy hit but no protection or healing…

with 1331 health and 763 defense i thought he is a good guy for defense…:

the idea of my current future defense was…

gravemaker, vela, frida , eve (hit 3 or more, apply elemental def down and dot use mel to protect and heal that the other 4 can do this more than once… so far to the theory… but i don’t know if it works in practise since i don’t get feedback from the watchtower how attacks against me worked in more detail (who whad how many specials, …)

Thanks again…

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