đŸ€– Bonechill – 4* Ice / Blue from Construct family

New Construct Hero is released: Bonechill

This thread is for discussing strategy related to Bonechill, as well as your thoughts on Bonechill.


Rarity Element Class Mana Speed
Level Attack Defense Health

4/75 708 826 1348
4/80 821 958 1563
Origin Family
Covenant of Champions Construct
Image Aether Power Description
attack-up Attack Up At the start of each battle, this Hero gets +20% attack for 6 turns.
In battles with multiple waves, the effect is refreshed at the beginning of each wave.
:hourglass: Ability: Destructive Core
The Construct Core of this character is Destructive Core.
The Destructive Core activates each time this character’s Special Skill is cast:
- With fully charged Destructive Core, deals 180% damage to all enemies.
- The damage is scaled by the amount of charge in the Core, All charge is exchausted when the Core is activated.
:dizzy: Special Skill: Frost and Rime
  • Deals 240% damage to the target and nearby enemies.
  • The target and nearby enemies get -34% defense against Special Skills for 3 turns.
  • The caster and nearby allies get +86% defense against Nature for 3 turns.

All-in-one still under construction. Card image to be added when available.

:hugs: Family Bonus

Construct Family:

Members of this family have Construct Core

  • The Construct Core is charged each time this character receives damage for normal attacks or Special Skills.

:test_tube: Changes from Beta

  • Attack is increased from 641 to 652.
  • Defense is increased from 743 to 760.
  • Health is increased from 1221 to 1241.
  • -44% defense ailment is replaced with -34% defense against Special Skill

Beta Information: đŸ§Ș Early Information on Round 3 of Construct Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v60]

:thought_balloon: What do you think of Bonechill ?

This thread is for thoughts and discussion on Bonechill.

Based on preferences Forum members have expressed, please try to stick mainly to Bonechill and not wander off topic too much to other heroes.

Some Popular Questions for Discussion

  • Is Bonechill worth summoning for?

  • Would you use Bonechill on Defense? Offense? War? Quests/Events? Titans?

  • Which heroes on your Roster best pair with Bonechill ?

  • What heroes would you take when facing Bonechill as an opponent?

  • Would you give Bonechill Fighter Emblems? Which Talent Grid path will you choose?

  • What do you think of special?

  • What do you think of Bonechill’s character design?

  • If you Summoned Bonechill and would like to post your results, please include some thoughts on why you Summoned Bonechill, and whether/how you plan to make use of them.*

*NOTE: Summon Results posted without any commentary/feedback at all should be flagged as Off Topic and removed, based on preferences expressed by the Forum community. Please include some comments about what you think of Bonechill when posting Summon Results. In addition to opinions about Bonechill, you are also encouraged to include how many Summons it took before receiving Bonechill (or how many Summons you’ve done without receiving Bonechill), so other players are presented with realistic experiences of the rarity of Epic Event Hero.

:money_with_wings: Avoiding Overspending & Heartache :broken_heart:

More Insights & Reading

I highly recommend reading these three threads for more information and context on summoning odds:

If you’ve read them a million times before, you may consider reading them again before deciding on your budget for summoning. A little time spent deciding on how much money you want to risk on summoning goes a long way to avoiding disappointment, frustration, and regret later. :slight_smile:

:thinking: Wondering About Your Personal Situation?

Feel free to discuss your team and roster here, and ask for advice from other Forum members.

If you’d like more extensive advice on sorting out your particular roster, I recommend creating a new thread in Gameplay Help & Tactics, and posting screenshots of your hero roster, along with your questions.

:link: Related Threads You May Be Interested In

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Feedback Poll - Bonechill (post release)

:question: Is Bonechill worth Summoning For?

  • Yes, absolutely
  • Only if you’re P2P
  • Yes, but only when featured.
  • Not really
  • Not at all
0 voters

:question: How many copies of Bonechill would be useful to keep & Level?

Note - this is roster space dependent & isn’t the same for everyone!

  • Zero
  • Just one
  • 2
  • 3
  • All of them
0 voters

:question: What do you think Bonechill’s Primary Purpose is?

  • Damage Dealer (Immediate)
  • Defense Debuffer
  • Defense Buffer
0 voters

:question: What do you think of Bonechill compared to other Heroes?

  • Over Powered (OP)
  • Little stronger than Most
  • On Par with Most
  • Little Weaker than Most
  • Completely Broken (Under Powered)
0 voters

:question: How does Bonechill’s Special Skill and Intended Purpose match his Base Stats?

Note this means Bonechill’s Class, Attack, Defence & HP Stat

  • Perfectly
  • Better than Most
  • On Par with Most
  • Worse than Most
  • Terribly
0 voters

:question: Is Bonechill worth giving Fighter Emblems to?

  • Yes absolutely
  • Yes, but only if you don’t have a 5* Option
  • Yes, but only if you’re focusing on 4* Heroes/ Events
  • Hmmmm, not sure yet
  • No, I don’t think so.
  • No
 Not at all.
0 voters

:question: In Defence, where do you think Bonechill is best used?

Note, as a 4* hero, please consider with this question up-and-coming players not just end-game players (where 5* heroes are a luxury not a given).

  • Left Wing
  • Left Flank
  • Tank
  • Right Flank
  • Right Wing
  • Not on defence at all.
0 voters

:question: How do you think Bonechill is best used?

  • PvP Raids/ War attack
  • Normal Defence
  • War Defence
  • Titans
  • Farming
  • Tournaments
  • Event Teams
0 voters
Choose up to 3 options

:question: What do you think is Bonechill worth Limit Breaking ?

  • Yes, but only once
  • Yes, twice
  • No
0 voters

:question: If you would emblem Bonechill then which Emblem Path would you select ?

  • Sword path
    (Selecting Attack talent nodes when possible)
  • Shield path
    (Selecting Health and Shield talent nodes when possible)
0 voters

:question: What do you think about the artwork ?

  • Amazing
  • Refreshingly new
  • It’s ok
  • It could be better
  • Very bad
0 voters
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If it stays like this, it will just be a pale copy of Mist. The big defense debuff was the main reason why he was a good hero

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The hero card has all changes.
Polls are enabled.

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Got 2 of this card from the saved tokens. Not sure what I feel about this card. But my first construct card. So will save it for the collection.

Can dish quite a lot of damage for fast hero due to Destructive Core. Like the design a lot. The last bullet in his special is useless however, and SGG apparently uses it when they have no idea what to put there.

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Will probably stack well with Toon Grimm + Linus for a 1-2-3 punch in events and tournaments.

Either this guy is not all that great, or he is the games best kept secret. I dunno yet, as I am currently levelling him up.


Let us know what you think, I’ve got him, but havent done anything with yet.

Have him currently at tank in tournament defense. Lvl 80 20 emblems. At E less than 30 percent. Definitely not a tank.


Odd design, namely that the base defense stat is significantly higher than that for offense. Would seem to be a potential tank (especially with defense up against green), but I see folks here so far are all “just go for damage.”

I mean, I suppose could be a 4* damage tank, but see @Wahoo78 reports poor experience with that, so not sure what to make of this hero. (Especially with the whole “welp, this is my biggest Construct” thing.)

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Got him yesterday when I did some pulls.

I got Skarn also so he has to wait in line. Looks like a decent hero. Surprised to see only 12 comments here like this hero is not being pulled much ?


I’m still not sure what to make of him / how best to invest in him — stats distribution and “protect against color strong against him” suggests tank, but “hits three plus destructo-core at Fast plus reasonably modern stats for a 4*” suggests hitter.

I mean, sometimes one does want some actual 4* damage for situations like Challenge events and 4* tourneys. though much of 4* damage often translates poorly into a more 5* environment (especially given the ever-growing acceleration of 5* heroes and costumes and their stats).

I suppose the question really is “how does Bonechill compare to some 4* Toon?”


Just summoned Bonechill.

Started leveling because it looks like it could be useful. Decent damage and the destructive core.
4* Tournament on attack for sure and we’ll see about the defensive duties when that opportunity arises. For defense it needs LB2 and not at all certain this hero will get that treatment.
Have some excellent Toons and other good heroes with the work already completed so will see how I feel closer to 4-70.

I had thought I would love Mist when she was first released but defense down against special skills was never convincing. Mist’s thing was the mana slow but Bonechill doesn’t have that extra thing that will help you.
Bonechill would have been great with regular defense down since tiles would benefit, now tiles don’t do extra damage and that is where the real downgrade from the Beta version lies.

Just pulled this guy. Think I’ll give him a go but I am not going to commit to 2LB until I can see what he’s got.

Being that there are not a ton of new 4* and I need some more fighters on my team, why not?

Would he replace my Greg or Azmia on a rainbow 4* team, doubtful, but maybe in a tourney on a team of other blues he could be a difference maker.

I have the medal next to my name because he does indeed stack well with other blue hitters, especially Toon Grimm. I do believe he is worth 2LB. Works for me at least.

How so? Those destructive cores are a nightmare to fight, especially with very fast mana speed, so totally a primary target. It’s only natural to take a green team against this dude, a green defense buff means lots of trouble for the attacker.
I currently have no better blue heroes so leveling him

I just got this guy and I guess I will max him after I’ve done my 5* Frond. Im always needing some 4*

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This is why I literally laughed out loud when I saw that 64% of people voted his stats match his intended purpose “better than most.” The obvious answer is “worse than most.”

It reveals that these polls are pretty much usesless. Look them all of them
 nearly every single hero is voted as being “better than most” or its closely behind “on par with most.”

The same exact group of people turned around and voted in the same poll that attack path is the way to go, which you already noticed:

Attack path is the almost certainly the best path to take with him but he’s structured like a defensive hero. So, my assessment is that he is a reasonably good hero that is hobbled by having stats that make no sense for him.

I took mine to LB1, attack path, and

I agree, a 
 fair hero, and I have tweaked enough 4* for healing/support that I wanted something to attack with in a 4* context.

But at the end of the day, it does feel like a lot of 4* world any more is just

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