This topic is again for those with poor hero rosters - the beginners or slightly intermediate players who don’t pay tons of cash for summons and/or have not so good luck summoning or training heroes. Older players may disregard this as it is not meant for them.
Decided to share my own experience for completing hard maps with underling heroes or underpowered heroes in general. Hope other players could use that info for their benefit.
So, in short, what is bombing?
Bombs are items which inflict direct damage upon your opponent, such as Arrow Attack for example.
There is a number of these items produced by the Forge, namely:
Lvl 4: Arrow Attack, 100 power
Lvl 8: Axe Attack, 200 power
Lvl 12: Bomb Attack, 300 power
Lvl 16: Dragon Attack, 400 power
What are they used for?
Rare quests stage 4 and Find Recruits part II last fight can be hard. If you go in with a team of snipers however, and manage to survive the monster waves on minor and healing potions, and go into the boss fight, a batch of Arrow and Axe attacks quickly take care of this which could otherwise seem exhausting and at times impossible.
Rare quests stage 5 - if the only thing the player has access to are S1 3* heroes and possibly a 4* at 3/60, the only way to beat the last stage of the rare quest is colorstacking + having 2 healers (to survive the monster waves) + bringing a batch of Arrow + Axe + Bomb attacks to the bosses, which will reduce their HP to 407 each for some final tile damage.
Trials quest last stage - these heroes often seem too tough to beat. Too high defense…thankfully the bomb items disregard defense. Those Trials heroes have 3907 HP each…which means that a set of Axes + Bomb + Dragon attacks will make short work of them.
Now I am fully aware this is expensive. Then again, who doesn’t want to trade some farmable materials like iron and midnight roots for some 3* and 4* unfarmable ascension mats, Epic Troop Tokens or emblems? And for the more experienced players sitting on rich hero rosters - remember that with limited hero options, the best and often only way to complete harder maps is using much more items. It’s easy enough not to use items when one has a set of fully leveled and ascended heroes for a certain trial…