Blue/Ice Titan worthy heroes?

Just wondering if my current blue/ice heroes are good enough options to max out for a good titan team?
Was gonna exclude Kiril as I have Chloris on lvl80 for attack up and over healing.

Have seen a few people say they use Magni for def up on the weaker heroes but seems like a wasted spot?
Am I thinking that a Chloris/Nordri/Grimm/Jott/“someone” would be the best lineup?

Define good…

The only one I would call good is Nordri. Everything else is suboptimal, but since you can´t stop hitting titans, just because your heroes suck, you take the best you can and go for it anyway :smiley: That´s what I do anyway :wink: Well admittedly at a somewhat higher level, but same idea.

I assume you want to hit a red titan, since you are showing blue heroes? The Chloris is way worse than Kiril. Nordri EDD, Grimm DD, do you have anything to increase damage? (Franz or Buster for example?) also anything to increase normal attacks (Like Wu Kong , Bertulf, Sharky), then you have one spot free, use whoever has the highest attack stat of your blue heroes.

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I ran a similar titan team for a while. Served me well. Kiril Grimm Nordri Jott Wu Kong (if you have him) I never liked Jott but he’s still on my current red titan team. I took them all to LB1

Titan basics. :heart::panda_face:

Hope it helps. Also you have these heros mostly

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