Blue hero suggestions please

I have 7 scopes and 15 warm cloaks. I am F2P. What should I do next?

save your mats and wait for another 5* blue? Unless you really want a second magni?


I love challenge events, so I vote for another Grimm for a potential Nordri+18 / Kiril / Grimm/ Grimm/ Grimm dream team

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Second magni is definitly worthwhile IMO; Both for Wars & in raid offence in general.

If you’re hesitant on doing a Duplicate, you can always wait until you have 10/11 scopes then Ascend Magni then :slight_smile:


Thanks for the advice everyone!! I am gonna sleep on it and then make a decision.

Yup. A second Magni would greatly improve your red titan hits, not to mention adding more depth for wars, raids and better scoring on special events that does not reflect blue.

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Going forward with second magni. The only hero I can reasonably expect to get as F2P is Thorne and I don’t think I care for him that much.

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I agree, and while waiting scopes… ascend 2nd Kiril and 2nd Grimm.


I frequently encounter Kunchen, Vivica costumed, and Santa when it comes to wars, and a 2nd Kiril has greatly helped me there. That’s who I’d go for personally.

2nd Grimm or 2nd Magni are a good idea too.