Blue healer advice

Hi I am looking for advice ai want to level up blue healer but I don’t know which one better I have custom aino and custom passepartout which one better in your opinion

I think C.Aino > C.Passepartout, but it depends on what you prioritize

Healing: Aino heals 45% v Passepartout heals 40% with a conditional heal over time between 260 and 888. If healing is your primary consideration, Passepartout wins.
Secondary effect: do you value defense up or priority cleanse combined with enemy mana debuff? The priority cleanse is the most important to me. So I think Aino comes with a better bag of tricks.

Other effects: Aino has a built in mechanism to increase mana and health when low health. Passepartout gets an additional 10% boosted health for allies.

I think the priority cleanse is the differentiator that makes me prefer Aino. I could see Passepartout being more effective against fiends since he can do more healing.


I see this as another “neither is wrong, go with your gut”.

Aino and you know and we all know that Aino is better

thanks for saving me from rambling :slight_smile: +1 to all you just said!