Which Blue Healer to ascend

  • Aino (with costume)
  • Milena
  • Passepartout
0 voters

I have C.Aino and Milena. Passepartout is available in FS.

I think Passepartout is the wrong answer.

I’ve used C.Aino more than Milena for the stats alone, but Milena charging faster for the heal is nice. And if you manage to get the 2x charge, things are probably working out that you may not need that heal.

So I voted for C.Aino because she is a better healer. But Milena can provide more usability.


Not to forget that CAino takes mana from all enemies.

She doesn’t take Mana from enemies, but does applies a Mana gen status ailment.


Okay, thanks, Rusk. And 20 characters.

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Personally, I’d do Milena.

Aino just isn’t anything special, Ariel is better than her.

Milena still packs a punch… because 420% will hurt no matter what lol - you also get cleanse and dispel, everything you need.

If you just want a decent chunk of healing and nothing else I suppose you could do Aino.