Blue dilemma : Iris or Passepartout?

Hi all,

Another day, another dilemma. I’ve just got Iris today, but I was planning to ascend Passepartout as my next blue 5*. Both of them could get some emblems in the end.

My current blue roster :

  • Morel +19 LB
  • Lord Loki +19
  • M. Pengi +19
  • Milena +19
  • Crystalis +20
  • Fenrir +0
  • Bobo +19

The problem is : Passepartout is a powerful healer, and I only own Milena as another blue healer. He is very sturdy and as we say in french, he is “passe partout”, meaning he can be used for almost every purpose. In another hand, Iris is a very good fast dispeller, another function that Milena is good at (but slow). However she can be very effective against nasty opponents like Ludwig, Krampus, Sif (I own Lepiota, a fantastic hero for that kind of battle).

So, I can’t decide between two amazing but different heroes. Who would be your choice ?

I would go with Passepartout for more healer depth. You’re right that it’s a tough call. Even without dispel, you might consider your roster options for buff blocking, such as franz and mist. I took them the last time I faced Ludwig and Ludwig looked super sad after he fired with nothing happening lol.

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I think Passepartout is the better option here. Currently working on him myself. Good Luck

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Yes indeed. Most of the time I use Lepiota, Phileas Fogg, Malosi and/or Guardian Panther against taunters. Iris could be a nice addition to this team. But as you said, Passepartout is without doubt more interesting as I don’t own a lot of 5* healers : Milena in blue, Grazul and Red Hood in red, Mother North and Lady of the Lake in green and Prof. Lidenbrock in yellow (unfortunately 0 purple 5* healer until now).

Also inclined towards Fogg’s sidekick. For blue healers you have Milena only while you have plenty offensive blue 5*, mainly Morel, Crystalis and that stupid penguin (and Milena can also fulfill damage dealer role if you decide so). Passepartout can be annoying with his massive heals, so him.

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In my honest opinion, and I have him to, I would focus on Passepartout first.
Whichever hero you choose good luck

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