Cool recruiting banner!
Thanks! Much appreciated… there’s a lot of competition out here
Our alliance is currently full…
Nice work!
4 posts were split to a new topic: Blood and Bones former player chat
TIP: edit your title … you have a spot open
Hi i wanna join your clan
So sorry - just saw your message… Someone beat you to the spot.
We are currently full…
is there a way to contact you on line?
The alliance uses Discord but I personally have Line. My line ID is mamma-spicy
…and we are now full.
One opening… see details above. If you think we might be a good fit, feel free to stop by. No invite needed
updated 11/10… We are now full
We are now full… we will update the post If anything changes
Hi Mamma Spicy. I am looking for a new home, hopefully your Alliance will consider me. Top team 4100+, 12 fully levelled 5*, the rest 5* not fully levelled and 4* mostly fully levelled. Considering that I’ve been playing for over a year, I’m still not as strong as I’d like to be. I always hit Titans and use flags in AW, other than when I have to do family things.
I’m in a dying alliance called Hella Hounds, you can look it up. The other co-leader and I have agreed that we are done. I am also called HockeyMan in that Allliance.
Updated 1/6… Alliance is now full.