Best use of tonics

What is the best use of tonics, Margaret with her new buff or kadillan ? This is to go into my defensive lineup. Thanks.

Which position in defense?

Tho I’m already thinkin kadilen regardless…

She just has better durability than margaret


Having no background, I’d vote Margaret for offensive use or if you plan to emblem her, Kadilen for defense or if you plan to pull at costumes hoping for one.

It would really help to know what you use for defense, for wars and what your other greens are.


if kadilen has costume, i choose her. Because her stats like telly and spesial skill like Margaret.

Without knowing more, I also vote Kadilen for defense - even if you lack her costume. Margaret is much easier to kill (much less durable), even if her special kicks in.

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Margaret has great tile damage …but probably Kadilen for her all-roundedness

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I have a similar choice: Margaret or Elkanen? Both have been sitting at 3-70 for a while. I’m up to 9 tonics right now, so I’ve been holding off on both for a while. The recent buff to Margaret makes it likely that I will ascend her, as I’ve used her a handful of times in raids and wars and feel she is worth it now that she does at least a little bit of damage along with her dodge.

I’ve pretty much settled on Margaret in my case. But I’m waiting until I finish maxing out Peters first (almost done), then Little John Costume (at 2-36 but that’ll go quick), and maybe my Little John #2 (at 3-60) and his costume, too. I’m not in a big hurry to ascend Margaret because she likely won’t supplant anyone in my current Green 3-stack of Telluria, Hatter, Lianna, but I guess I may take her out against sniper-heavy teams.

I haven’t been doing any 10-pulls since May when I landed some good 5* to work on, but I do have a stockpile of Valhalla coins so if some Green 5* should turn up there this month, I might give it a second look. And there’s a Green HOTM coming up, but I’m not convinced on that one yet… but I’m stockpiling Epic Hero Tokens just in case. :slight_smile:

From what I’ve experienced, not having Kadilen, my gut feeling with be to go with Margaret on this one.

Good gaming!

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Your answer, just as the OP’s answer, is best guided by how you intend to use this hero. On defense? If so, what’s your current lineup and roster.

If offense, and you’re thinking that this hero will support in color stacking, that will likely change the answer.

As you probably know, Margaret had a lot of haters – and probably still does – but since her rebalance in May, she’s better. Her tile count is great and she’s very fast, so on offense as part of trio of other green heroes, she works.

Tell us more about your situation.