Best titan’s stars for personal rewards – A/B/A+ on 5-6* titans or C on 10-11* titans?

I’ve searched for answer in forum but cant find it.
what is better in long term reward:

  1. Taking Mostly A and some time B or A+ for 5-6 stars titan
  2. taking C or less for 10-11 stars?

There is a way to calculate the (*number)/(damage rank) rewards?

There is a thread that explains all this

But to answer your question quickly, C on a nine star is equivalent to A+ on a six star, tier IX (tier nine) rewards. And tier IX is where you get three ascension material rolls. So C on the big one is better to answer your question

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Here is a good description of loot tiers:

In addition to mats rolls, bigger titans have a tendency to give rare mats more often.

“Ride the big one!” - (c) Notch Johnson


Ohh thank you!

So that means that for my personal situation, stay in my current ally will give me:

10/11 or 1 when escape

The previus was:

5/6+2/3 (8) or 4

That is pretty the same, a bit better here, considering that titans escape a little less in this ally (that’s what i have seen until now) and more often we kill it than escape.

in addition the rare materials are more common, so its better rewarder to be in my current one.