Hello folks! I have a few 5* heroes at level 70 but i don’t know wich one to max out. I would like to build a good defence team! Any suggestions?
It’s not at 3.70, but Freya is one of the best - for defense and offense as well. Malosi is very good on offense, including against Alfrike
Given that you don’t have pulled vanda or garnet, I would max Grazul, it’s important to have a status effect blocker, so when you face Gravemaker, Alfrike, Hel etc… You can protect your team.
For defense Freya and Bera both are best. But I think Kage should be ascend 1st, he is super great splecially on offense as he is dispell and hard hit (I don’t have him though). And you already have him at 3.70, Freya can wait for next set of tabard.
Boss Wolf only good on VF rules.
Malosi is great on offense, he can nullified statuses special.
Isarnia (and you have costume), she is beast specially on VF, also she can be as Titan team, her def down is better over Grimm.
Bertila is great, specially for VF war.
Grazul, then Marjana or KoH.
Freya is the clear stand out to level up for your defense. Nothing else stood out as a big defense team hero. Others above have good suggestions for rush.
Right now i can upgrade a purple or a green one. I only have 3/6 gor red beroes
So many decent heroes with good special skills. In your shoes I would focus on Freya, Malosi, Grazul, Magni, Bertila.
If you can currently do one of each purple / green go with Freya first then Bertila
Whichever heroes you choose good luck
So what would be your ultimate defense team with the heroes i own?
Vela - Black Knight - Freya - Onatel - Kingston
I forced rainbow. Could switch order of some. I debated also putting Onyx in there instead of Kingston.
I would do reverse, Onyx, Vela, BK, Onatel and Kingston
It sucks that both freya and vela are nature heroes. I don’t have enough emblems yet to max them
So onyx bk vela onatel Kingston in double position will be great?
I think it should work in the same order, but best way is to test it overnight and see if it holds above 2600
Thanks a lot! I wish i was in the 2600! I’m in the liw 2500 at the moment!
Guys, and what about Guinevere? Isn’t she highly rated on defense?
Been awhile since I have seen people running Guin in tank, not sure why they moved away from it, I always hated seeing her…
Anyway, I would level and emblem Guin in a heartbeat, and even Limit Break depending on what other Holy heroes I was working on. I do not have her though…
Guin is not relevant anymore due to the presence of some of the greatest dark cards in the game. Dark has the most powerful set of heros and people can easily manage her. I have Guin and i havent used her anywhere ever since i ascended her. She was a waste of mat for me